Charlie and Elizabeth Info. (Chapter 21)

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. BOO!


Full name: Elizabeth Maria Afton

Hobby: Painting, Playing, Sometimes sleeping.

A fun and Caring Girl who likes to play and Paint. She appears to Stalk Others when She wants to But She still is a Good Sister/Sister-in-law to Her brothers And their Husbands.

Dating/Married: Charlie Ruby Emily/Afton

Hates/Dislikes: Rosella

Loves/Likes: Everyone who is nice to her.



Full name: Charlie Ruby Afton/Emily

Hobby: Being lazy or Painting.

I have no Info for her she just likes to paint and sometimes Sleep or Cuddle Elizabeth while she is watching videos.

Dating/Married: Elizabeth Maria Afton.

Hates/Dislikes: Rosella

Loves/Likes: Everyone who treats her and Elizabeth right.


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