EWW: The Job

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Nicole: I think I'm pruhhh— I think I'm puhrulll— I think I'm prood of you, Richard!
Anais: You mean "proud"?
Nicole: Yes, I think so. It's just, I'm not used to saying that word much, particularly to describe your father
Nicole struggles to say the word proud here even though she's said it without any issue before. +1

Anais: Mom... She shows Nicole a framed photo of the family We've all been wearing the same clothes for the past year, you three don't even have any shoes, Whispers and I think it's time Darwin wore some pants.
Firstly, It's been a year since The DVD? How come everyone is still the same age then? I mean I know it's a cartoon, but if time is canonically still passing in-universe then the characters should still be aging like normal. In fact, we see a few times through the show that time is passing, like the multiple Halloweens and Gumball being sent back in time to The Spoiler, yet they still never age. in which case...
Characters remain the same age despite a large amount of time clearly being shown to have passed cliché +1

Secondly, what does she mean they've all been wearing the same clothes? We see their clothes get ripped and damaged throughout the series and they change into clean pairs later on, so they obviously have multiple sets of clothes. +1

Thirdly, why does Anais say "you three don't even have any shoes"? Neither does she, she just goes around in socks. +1

Fourthly, she says this but we see in flashbacks that Richard has never worn shoes at any point in his life, and even though Gumball and Nicole used to it's been years since they have so they'd be more than accustomed to it by now. Plus they all have paws anyway so them not having any shoes isn't really that weird for them. +1

And lastly, why does Darwin need to wear pants? It's not as if he has anything to hide there, it's just legs connected to his torso. +1

Gumball: Okay, four-thirty-eight Elm Street. That's the place.
Gumball rings the doorbell, Quattro opens the door
Quattro: Gasps Siciliana, come see what the stork brought us!
Rushing footsteps, Siciliana appears at the door
Siciliana: Gushing Oh look, he's got his father's eyes! Oh he's beautiful.
Quattro: Thank you so much. Here's a twenty.
Gumball uses the hand holding the pizza box to take the money, causing the pizza to fall. The pizza slowly slides down the porch stairs, leaving a trail of blood red pizza sauce. The Pepperonis stare, frozen in horror. Gumball slowly puts down the now empty pizza box, casually handing them a different one, which Siciliana accepts, still gaping at the previous spectacle. Gumball and Darwin inch down the stairs, then dash off, but not before Darwin slips on the dropped pizza
Hahahahahahaha, this whole scene was amazing -1

Gumball and Darwin inch down the stairs, then dash off, but not before Darwin slips on the dropped pizza
Hang on a second. Gumball said 438 Elm Street, but it says it's 826 above the door. +1

Mister Small​​​​​​: Looking withered from hunger Ohhh, finally! I've been on this Tibetan diet where you're supposed to eat nothing but sunlight, but it's been really cloudy! I think I need to eat something that actually exists!!

He says this but it's perfectly sunny outside +1

Nicole: Still shaken up Anais! Did you see that?! Pointing at the faucet
Anais: See what?
Nicole turns the faucet on again, but since Richard is long gone, it flows normally
Anais: Cheekily Yeah, I know, running water! Wasn't like that in your day, huh? You know...when the world was in black and white, and you could leave your front door open, and everyone cycled to school in a bike with one big wheel at the front...
Hahahahaha, the sass here is great! -1

Nicole: I don't claim to understand it, Anais, but something is going wrong. Seriously wrong. And I think it has to do with your father.
The tap stops running whilst she's talking, despite no one turning it off. +1

Several waves start bombarding the car, each one altering the family into a different animation style. They scream throughout the entire process, their voices changing with each transformation that occurs. Suddenly, they all change back to normal, except they are outside the car. They breathe a sigh of relief
Okay, this whole ending scene is awesome. Love when the show does creative things like this -5

Larry: But he hasn't done anything wrong!
Why is Larry being so stubborn? He can literally see the entire universe falling apart around him, how is that not enough of a reason to fire him? +1

Right before the customer accepts the pizza, he notices that a large portion of it is missing
Paperball: Oh, hey!
Larry rushes to see what the problem with the pizza is. He is not happy with what he sees
How have no other customers filed complaints about this? Surely at least one of them should have ages ago. +1

: Ashamed...I'm sorry I lost my job, Nicole. I know you were really prood of me.
Nicole: It's all right, honey.
The family gathers around Richard to hug him as comfort for his termination
Awwwwwww -1

Total Sins: 3

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far:  The Banana (-13)

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