EWW: The Gripes

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It's morning in Elmore. Then in Gumball and Darwin's room, the alarm clock goes off as a tune. Gumball gets up and dances sleepily
Gumball: Ughhhhh.
Darwin: Problem, buddy?
Gumball: I really like this song, but I want to sleep some more.
Darwin: Laughs Okay. I'll turn it off, then. Switches off
Gumball: Ugh! But I really liked that song.
Darwin: Ha! Oh, no problem! Switches on Listen to the song, then.
Gumball: Ughhhhh! But I want to sleep some more.
Could you not just...dance to the song until it's over, then go back to sleep again? Really not that hard to come up with a solution if you literally just think about it for a second. +1

Gumball: Ughhhhh! There's too much food in the fridge, and the milk is at the back. But the back's cold.
Darwin sneaks behind him, about to knock him out with a toaster
I get he's being a little annoying, but it seems very unlike Darwin to even consider harming someone, let alone actually intend to go through with it +5

Gumball: Ugh! He used the sausage for the eyebrows instead of the mouth so my breakfast face looks mildly alarmed instead of smiling.
Then maybe stop sitting there and complaining about it and just...swap it around? It would take a second or two at most. +1

Anais: Okay. Can we stop with the bad vibes, please? You're turning my milk sour.
Gumball: Ugh! You don't understand my pain. So don't judge my life, 'kay?
Oh dear god, is he going through an emo phase...again!? +1

Richard: Gumball looks sad today. What should we do?
Awwwwww, this is why Richard is such a good father. Even when Gumball is being pretty annoying complaining over petty things Richard only cares about wanting to try and cheer him up! -5

Anais: Sarcastically I know! We should go and buy this poor, privileged kid an incredible surprise present. So he can have something new to gripe about.
Awww, come on, there's no need for the sarcasm. Richard just wanted to help cheer up Gumball. +1

Richard: Okay! grabs Anais
Anais: Really? Is everyone in this family immune to sarcasm?
She expected Richard, the person everyone in Elmore knows for being incredibly stupid and gullible, to understand her sarcasm +1

Gumball plays a game. He moves his character to talk with another
Gumball: Ughhhh! I love this game, but I don't have the patience to get into the STORY.
Then...play  a different game and wait until you're more in the mood for one with a more full-on story like this. Seriously, basically all of your complaints so far have had incredibly easy solutions +1

Darwin: Ehhhh... Explodes with fury and burns background Demonic voice There! You happy now? You put me in a bad mood too!
If Gumball was annoying him so much why did he not go and do something else and leave Gumball to moan about shit on his own +1

Gumball: Ughh! Dude, your new sneakers are too bright. They're burning my retinas!
Darwin: Dude, you're making me foot-conscious. Come on, help me dirty them up.Gumball wipes his feet on Darwin's shoes
Darwin: Dirtier.
Gumball wipes his feet on Darwin's shoes again
Darwin: A little more.
Gumball wipes his feet on Darwin's shoes
Darwin: A little more.
Darwin: Ughhhh! Too dirty. Throws shoes away Thanks a lot. Now I'm NAKED!
Wha-why would you just throw away a pair of brand new shoes like that!? You could have taken them home and cleaned them! Now you've just wasted Nicole's money, and forced her to buy you yet another new pair of shoes for no reason +15

Also, Darwin's sneakers look the exact same as the old ones. No way did Nicole somehow managed to find the exact same sneakers she bought for Gumball again 8-9 years later +1

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