EWW: The Mirror

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[It's a beautiful morning, and Gumball and Darwin are having breakfast at the table. As Gumball rambles on affectionately about Penny, Darwin reluctantly listens as he eats]
Gumball: You see? The thing with having a girlfriend is that you have to find the balance between your space as a couple, and your space as an individual.
Darwin: Yeah, but—
Gumball: [Incoherently talking over Darwin]
Darwin: All I asked was "Can you pass me the sugar?"
Gumball: Uh, yeah, exactly! "Sugar", "Sweetie pie", "Honey buns"? [Passes Darwin the butter] We don't have stupid names like that. We're not one of those couples who, like, dress the same-
Darwin: [Over Gumball] Can we please talk about something else?
Gumball: Y-yeah dude. We talk about loads of stuff. You know, we just share stuff. You know, I mean-
Darwin: [Over Gumball] Gumball, if you don't stop talking about Penny right this second, I'm gonna start eating my own face
Awww, come on. I know he's being a little annoying at the moment, but he's just incredibly excited at having Penny as his girlfriend. Just let him ramble his heart out to you whilst you put in some earbuds and listen to some music, problem solved +1

Gumball: I mean, just because we're in love, doesn't mean that we have to be obsessed with each other.
Irony +1

Gumball: Darwin, the only way to describe how stupid this sounds is by using words that I'm too young to know the meaning of. [Deletes email]
Gumball: So, what else do you believe in? What about Bigfoot?
Darwin: There's a photo of him. Of course he exists.
[Gumball suppresses his laughter]
Gumball: What does he eat, then?
Darwin: [Thinks] Sausages.
[Gumball is on the ground, laughing.]
Gumball: Oh my gosh! Okay, what about horoscopes?
Darwin: What else do you think the stars are for?
Gumball: [Sarcastically] I don't know. What do you think they're for?
Darwin: To tell us about the future, and to make wishes.
[Both Gumball and Darwin are in line at the cafeteria. Gumball is laughing again]
Gumball: Oh let me guess: you also believe in telepathy.
Darwin: Dude, how can you not believe in it when you just read my mind?
[Gumball laughs out loud]
Gumball: My gosh! You believe in things I don't believe in! [Laughs] Oh please stop, please stop! I'm afraid I'm gonna pop some--
[Gumball's torso deflates. He pulls himself up to normal, and walks to Rocky]
God damn Gumball keeps up this conversation all the way to lunch? Surely he wouldn't have gotten bored of it by the time they got to school, let alone by lunch! +1

Gumball: No no no, it's in here. Hold on, it's...geez these are deep pockets. Aha! [He takes out his underwear]
Gumball somehow mistook his own underwear for a five-dollar note. Like...how!? +1

[Cut to Gumball slicing his underwear in half on a plate]
Gumball: Here we go. Bon appétit.
Darwin: Dude, don't you see? It's the curse. First, The Snatcher will take all of your money!
[Gumball eats his underwear]
Simply eating Gumball's underwear is gross in of itself, but considering we learned in The Ghost that he goes at least two weeks without changing his underwear...Violently throws up +20

[In Miss Simian's class, Gumball and Penny blow eachother kisses from across the room.]
AWWWWWW small things like this is why I love Penny and Gumball together. Wish we could more of this cute playful side of their relationship -5

[Gumball leans in to Darwin to pass on a message.]
Gumball: Hey dude, can you pass this on to Penny? "You're so cool that you give penguins brain-freeze".
[Reluctantly, Darwin passes the message on to a bored Leslie, sitting in front of him. Leslie passes it on to Banana Joe, Joe passes it to Carmen, and Carmen finally delivers the message to Penny.]
Carmen: Gumball says you're fat.
Everyone: [Dramatic gasp]
[Penny turns to Gumball]
Gumball: [Gives thumbs up, with a dopey face]
[Penny shape-shifts into her gorgon form and hisses at Gumball]
[Things are then thrown at Gumball. Banana Joe is thrown like a boomerang, and upon impact causes Gumball to face-plant into his desk]
Firstly, how on earth did "You're so cool that you give penguins brain freeze" turn into "You're fat" when being passed down through only three people? The only way I could see that happening is Darwin deliberately telling Leslie the wrong thing, but he would never do something to deliberately hurt Gumball and Penny's relationship like that, no matter how annoyed he is +5

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