EWW: The Bumpkin

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The car continues forward on an unfinished expressway and drops off
Gumball: But why do I need to buy stuff?
Camera changes to the inside of the car while it is free-falling
Richard: Because if you didn't buy stuff, everyone would be out of a job and no one would have any money.
Gumball: Wait, so I have to work for the rest of my life to pay for stuff that I don't want, just so that everyone else can suffer the same horrible fate as me?
Richard: Exactly.
The car drops to another expressway and continues on, a container truck horns and turns left, causing traffic accidents
There is no way the car landed completely unharmed from a drop like that. +1

Gumball: I'm outta here, enjoy your pathetic lives working from nine to five. Hector, send me to freedom!
Hector sends Gumball in the air by stepping on the seesaw.
Eyy, calling back to the Early Reel/Pilot with this joke, nice! -1

Camera shows Nicole and Anais are seated down without chairs, floating, while Richard stands like a butler
Nicole and Anais somehow casually defy the laws of physics. +1

Richard: Nicole, punish Gumball for being boring!
Nicole: I really want to, but I can't. Gumball is exploring his outlook on society and it is our job as parents to encourage that no matter how much we might think it's Angrily COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS!
Why do they have to do this with Gumball? Can't they just go back in and leave him to hang out with Idaho? +1

Darwin: Scared Ahhhhh!
Idaho: AHHHHHHHHH! Runs toward Darwin but Darwin kicks him to another backyard
God damn, how does Idaho survive this? Poor guy should be dead after getting flung like that. +1

Anais: It's a backyard, there is nothing dangerous around here. A wasp flies in and she screams Wasp!
the Wattersons start panicking and jumping around while Darwin keeps blowing the wasp to Nicole
Nicole: Darwin, don't blow it at me, blow it away!
No way is someone as fearless as Nicole scared of a wasp. +1

Gumball drops out from Nicole's skirt
Must...resist...making...adult joke...

...this takes hiding like a pussy to another level! DAMMIT! +1

Nicole: This new lifestyle might be a pain, but at least we finally get some time together as a family.
The Wattersons and Idaho hug each other
Nicole: Thanks for showing us the way, Idaho.
All: Ahhhhh.
Awwwwww -1

After some time, a strange light coming from the house wakes Idaho up while the rest of the Wattersons are sleeping in the backyard
Idaho: Aaugh.
Idaho walks inside the house and loud music can be heard then Idaho gasps as he sees Gumball laughing maniacally and filling his mouth with whipped cream then eating some french fries then opens a soda bottle and pours soda all over himself while playing video games and listening to loud music
Somehow only Idaho the loud music blaring from the house, despite the rest of the Wattersons being literally right next to him. I'm starting to think my theory of them being deaf might actually be true. +1

Gumball gives a slice of pizza to Idaho which he eats. Camera rapidly shows a series of pictures of Gumball and Idaho partying
Who...took all these photos? Everyone else was still asleep outside. +1

Darwin: Wait, what were you doing playing video games, leaving us outside all night, you...you...you...
Gumball: Hypocrite? I know, I'm sorry, I hated this whole lifestyle from the moment I turned off the TV.
Wow, Gumball just straight-up admitting he was in the wrong and apologizing immediately for once. You don't see that very often. -1

Darwin: Then why did you force us to keep it up?!
He didn't though. They all could have gone back in any time they wanted. Just because Gumball wanted them to join him outside didn't mean they had to. +1

Gumball: Hugs Idaho Shhhh, I love you too, my friend.
Awwwww -1

Gumball: Are you Idaho's family!? Please, you have to help him! Gumball pants
Idaho's uncle takes Idaho then the whole family looks sad while Idaho's father buries Idaho
Gumball: Gasps We're too late...
Idaho's father finishes burying Idaho then Gumball drops to the ground and starts crying and singing
Gumball: Aberdeen, in the wind, in the field, potato.
The rest of the Wattersons follow along and start crying too
Gumball, Darwin, Anais, Nicole, and Richard: Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhh, ohhhhh.
Oh my god, Gumball's reaction here....the poor guy genuinely sounds heartbroken when he begins to sing. It just goes to show that, even if it doesn't seem like it, and even if he is a jerk to them a lot of the time, deep down Gumball really does genuinely care about his friends, each and every one of them. -5

Also, the show does a fake-out death and excepts us to believe it cliché  (though props to them this was the most believable fake-out death so far). +1

Nicole: I know, we're disgusting.
Idaho's uncle: Oh well, that's potato's duty that help his neighbors, so why don't you stay here with us, do hard work in the fields and— Gets blown by dirt
The Wattersons drive off and scene changes to Joyful Burger where the car falls down again with Richard driving
GPS: You have reached your destination.
Hahahahahahaha -1

Total Sins: 0Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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