Award By-Laws

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Thou must honor thy requests or risk disqualification and cursed to thee abyss

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Thou must honor thy requests or risk disqualification and cursed to thee abyss.

By-Law 1: A maximum of two books are allowed for submission, but they must be in different genres.

By-Law 2: Only stories in English are allowed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

By-Law 3: Forms from aspiring participants will only be accepted by following this account. This is to ensure that winners will see their shoutouts, as well as for all participants to keep up with the contest and announcements. You may unfollow after the awards have ended.

By-Law 4: You MUST permanently follow your judge/s and read three chapters of the book they have chosen to be read as payment. In order for us to make sure you've read the chapters from the judges designated books, you must leave five inline comments or a general comment at the end of each chapter that is at least five sentences long. This is not negotiable. Keep in mind that they are taking the time to read up to ten chapters of your books depending on how far you get in our rounds. Votes are not required, but appreciated.

By-Law 5: All participants must add this book to your public and private reading list, as well as post it to your page. You must also announce the post to your followers. Again, this is to
make sure that you receive all notifications.

By-Law 6: Even though this is a competition, hatred, bribery, bullying, and other forms of misconduct will not be tolerated. If any instance of misconduct occur, you voluntarily forfeit. If you don't follow the by-laws, you voluntarily forfeit.

By-Law 7: Your book must fit the genre you're applying for. If that genre is full, then you may also submit for its sub-genre as long as it is still relevant.

By-Law 8: Your book doesn't have to be completed, but it must have at least ten chapters. If your book does not meet the criteria, it will NOT be accepted. Please don't comment asking if you can submit anyway. We don't like being mean.

By-Law 9: If you change your username or title of your book, you must let the judge/s know.
Otherwise, you will be considered voluntarily forfeiting.

Other information:
LGBTQ+ books are accepted. Just fill the form in the respective genre your story falls

Mature books are accepted HOWEVER, we will not judge books that go against our content avoidances in the first ten chapters of your book. If your book contains themes that go against a judges content avoidances in any capacity in the first ten chapters, it will NOT be accepted. Please refer to our Meet the Judges chapter to be sure that your book will not go against our content avoidances before you apply.

If there are any questions regarding by-laws, please comment on this line.

Password: Glory by the Coven

Password: Glory by the Coven

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