4 - Totally Dramatic, No Casualty

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NSFW Joke, pls don't sue me, bro 😭

"For firsts, I am not sleeping on the sofa" Tobio stated, almost like a fact. "Why not?!" Shoyou asked. "Look, it's hard enough that we all four have to stay here in the first place, don't make it harder by making me sleep on the couch like I literally bought a futon!" Tobio argued.

"Bro, as a matter of fact, I do not want to sleep on the couch either!" Shoyou said, clapping his hands for more dramatics. 

"Can you two not make so much drama?" Kei said, from the bed, already making himself comfortable with Tadashi. They were best friends, after all, sleeping in abed together, was just mere dust on the shoulder. Sleepovers weren't often for them, but they did still do it, and whoever they did, they'd sleep together on Tadashi's small single bed, and this was a queen-sized bed, professionally bought in just for the four of them. (Not that either of them wanted it......)

"Oh shut up beanpole'--Tobio said before continuing his fight with Shoyou--"Plus, you're the one who'd fit in the sofa perfectly" Shoyou gasped, "Are you calling me short?!" Tobio nodded, "Precisely"

"Baka!!" Shoyou yelled, lifting his fists up to punch Tobio square in the face. And no doubt, he would. Shoyou had tendencies to prove people wrong when called short, however, he couldn't in this specific situation because he too knew that he'd fit on the sofa like a child. See, even he knows where his limits are.

"Please don't pun..ch" Tadashi nearly yelled, quite worried as to what would happen, but Kei shut his mouth with his hand. "One second Yamaguchi, I want to see where this goes" Kei said, but Tadashi was far more concerned by Tsukki's hand on his mouth, and way more concerned by the fact Tobio might actually get punched in the face.

Tadashi pulled Kei's hand off his mouth, "Sorry Tsukki" he mumbled before yelling at the two making a ruckus in the living room of their oh-so-very-small dorm. "Guys! Don't kill each other over the-" is all he could make out before Kei closed his mouth again, with his other hand. 

"Hell no! I'm not sleeping on the couch, last and final answer!" Shoyou yelled, understanding that Tadashi was concerned about them and not the living room instead, what a good friend. 

But it was understandable that Kei was more concerned about the living room instead, so he let go of Tadashi. "Thank you, Tsukki" he mumbled to him again, before yelling, like a mom, again. "Come on guys, please? Can we cooperate here?" Tadashi asked, making the two boys in the living room turn to him. 

Tobio sighed, walking into the bedroom, Shoyou also following him.

"You're seriously like a mom," Shoyou said with a sigh.

"The life of a mother can be stressful, and Sugawara-san pulls it off the best," Tsukishima said, closing his book, and placing it on the nightstand, removing his glasses and rubbing the top of his nose, where his glasses previously lay on.

"Don't make such unrealistic jokes, senpai's hair is just gray because it is," Tobio said. Shoyou shrugged, "The life of a mother can be stressful" agreeing with the statement Kei had just made.

"Okay guys, let's not make fun of Sugawara-san yeah?" Tadashi said with a slight laugh. It's been a while since all four of them had been like this, sure if being mates had its downs, it surely had its ups too. 

"It's not called making fun, rather called stating facts," Shoyou said. Tobio sighed, he walked over to the futon he laid on the ground, and sat on it cross-legged. Patting a place for Shoyou to come to sit. It wasn't too late either, somehow, the school actually allows delivery food, and they ordered some pizza hut and now they're just chilling (yeah sure). It was only around 9:00. 

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