Ep 7: Assault - Eng

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"We have some time before your appointment with the principal, do you want to stop anywhere?"

"No thanks, I'll surprise him and show up early for a change... Stop here"

"Huh, right here?"

"You go on ahead"

"This is a test or something? you're going to hit me if I drive away without you aren't you"

"Just type of guy do you think I am"

"Okay then"


"I see. Who are you then?"

"That was a whole lot easier than I expected it was gonna be- huh?"

"So then, just who are you calling easy?"
"What a pain in the ass"

'He's a curse spirit, but he can communicate clearly. And the sheer amount of cursed energy he just unleashed, an unregistered special grade? His likely even stronger than Sukuna currently is' "Special grades are classified as such because they're special, having them pop up this frequently throws everything off"

"Aww, don't tell me I wounded your pride"

"No, I'm starting to enjoy this"

Intro here

"So you think this will be fun, do you? No sense of danger, not at all?"

'Did he choose to attack here in order to avoid people? No, he was just making sure no other sorcerers could come to back me up'

"Amber insects!"

"Well, if you're aiming this attack at me, then you're right, I'm not feeling any danger. Well, what if this hits me?" 'Sound..?' "a two stage attack of sound and explosions, that's not bad"

"And theres more! That all it took? Obviously I overestimated him. That human was just as fragile as the rest of them are, he wasn't living any life of truth. It's all so nauseatingly repulsive. I am going to go and spread real strength, the truth is only death can reveal it"

"Oh, we just went over this a minute ago, are you a slow learner? The smoke is so irritating"

"What's going on here?"

"Hm, in simple terms, you missed me"

"Impossible, I felt the contact just now. I touched you, and not only that, I killed you!"

"No, what you actually touched was the Infinity existing between you and me"


"Here, I'll show you. Put your hand out"


"Oh come on"


"Come on, come on"

'I don't since hostility or trickery, guess I'll see what's it about'


'I can't touch him, I get stopped just short of him. Is this, infinity?'

"Not exactly stopped, but the closer you get the slower you go"


"So what now? We could just hold hands if you like

"I. Refuse!"

"Oh, don't be shy now. You're making me feel self conscious now to"

"You bastard!" 'So fast. I don't get it, it's not just embolden strength of cursed energy. So what is it? I must know'

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