Chapter 1

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"Honey, we're home~" Minho cooed loudly as he walked into the living space, hiding the crystal behind his back. The girl following suit, chuckled when a loud response came from one of the five rooms of their home.

"I'm in the tech room!" A male's response came with a few clangs.

"I call it the training room though," Minho said as he walked over to the open door of the room, poking his head through. There was a male sitting at a computer, focused entirely on the screen while sipping on a soda can of some sort. However, the male he was looking for wasn't in sight.

 The purple-haired boy cocked his eyebrow as he searched around to find the male-- and then heard a clang followed by the spilling of a liquid and a very loud "I GIVE UP!" 

The two sibling's eyes darted to the sound and saw the male come out from under what seemed like a vehicle of some sort- or so they assumed, covered under a huge cloth.

Minho couldn't hold in the laugh when he saw the male's face. It reminded him of when they were 15-- that one time when the male let 12-year-old Miyuki paint his face on her birthday. 

He really trusted her when she said she was a good painter that day-- and ever since then, paint was forbidden anywhere near her in the hideout. 

"Oh hey Changbin, didn't know you wore face masks," Miyuki said teasingly when she saw the male, chuckling right after, making her brother laugh even more.

"I don't need those, I'm already gorgeous" Changbin rolled his eyes, reaching for a towel to wipe off the black oil that unfortunately spilled on his face.

"You wish," She said back and turned to the male sitting at the computer, still unphased about the presence of the two who returned after a little trip from the city.

Changbin placed the towel down and looked at Minho, who had his hands behind his back. The younger with black hair and green highlights raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"What are you hiding? I swear if it's not one of those Jamburritos you brought last Friday I'm not gonna talk to you" The male said. He was already pissed off after a day's work of trying and failing to get his little 'top-secret-invention-vehicle-thingy' to work. 

He was sure that only those burritos he tasted last Friday would brighten his day. 

Minho smirked. "Even better," He said, and Changbin gasped, his face slightly lighting up. 

"No way- two Jamburritos!? I love y- " Changbin couldn't finish his sentence when Minho pulled out the glowing crystal behind him. 

The younger couldn't speak-- he just looked at it, slightly stunned, and with that same expression kept on his face, he walked over to Minho, grabbed his face, and pulled the unexpecting boy in for a kiss.

"Wha-" Minho froze on receiving a short peck on his lips before the stone was pulled out of his grip. 

"I knew you two were gay!!" Miyuki, who watched what went down, jumped to her brother's side, poking his cheek, making the male finally unfreeze.

"Wh-What! No!? I am NOT-

"Shut up Minho I'm having a moment" Changbin's voice was soft and the two siblings went silent as they looked at him. The boy with green highlights held the crystal like a delicate piece of artifact and stared at it as if he finally found some missing piece of an old memory he had forgotten.

His eyes held curiosity, yet excitement and glee at the same time. 

"It had been months since I worked with one of these! This is what I needed! I was so happy that I didn't even know how to express it" Changbin lifted his gaze from the crystal and looked at the two siblings. "So I kissed you. I am forever grateful to you, Lee Minho, my best friend, my other half" 

Changbin smiled at the older male, genuinely. He really was happy. 

Minho smiled back, nodding at the same time before walking over to one of the punching bags at the further ends of the room, leaving his sister standing in the middle of the room with the empty space he once occupied.

Miyuki looked at her brother, and then at Changbin. "Are we seriously not gonna talk about that kiss!?" She huffed, crossing her arms and the boys only gave her a smile before carrying on with their own work.

Was she really the only person who thought that it was at least a little abnormal for 'best friends' to kiss? 

But then again these two could be doing worse while she sleeps-- given the fact that they often cuddle, hug, and call each other 'honey' and 'love', she wouldn't be surprised about it really either.

She, was definitely not like her brother and his best friend when it came to her and her own best friend, though.

Miyuki pursed her lip a little before turning around, toward a boy who sat at the computers, now typing something on the keyboard with incredible speed. She walked over to him, and gently pressed her hands on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

The boy suddenly slammed his hands on the keyboard, making not only her but himself jump a little too. He turned around and when he saw who it was, he let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh it's just you- tsk you scared me" Jeongin tsked, turning his focus back onto the computer. 

"It's not my fault you're scared of literally everything. Scardy little doughball" She retaliated swiftly and the male scoffed before looking at her, standing up from his seat.

"Little? In what way? height?" He was literally looking down at her when he said that, smirking. The girl just barely reached his neck. 

"Or did you mean by age? I clearly remember being 8 months older than you" He went on, the grin not leaving his face as he made his point. Miyuki opened her mouth, pointing at his chest as she was about to snap back, But then-

"It seems to me that you're directing 'little' to only one possible part of me then- you've never been so wrong, Miyu" 

Miyuki's mouth closed. Her eyes slightly widened. Blood rushed to her cheek in empressement, making her cheeks turn in a shade of crimson--which matched the color of her handprint on Joengin's face, that she landed at the very same moment.

The boy held his cheek, cursing at the sting, and ever so slightly glared at the girl who crossed her arms.

 "I was talking about my-my feet!" Jeongin pointed down at his feet while keeping one hand on his cheek as he looked at her.

Miyuki shrugged. "And I saw a mosquito on my best friend's cheeks, I had to!" The girl gave him an innocent look and the older mumbled something inaudible, giving her a glare.

Changbin and Minho had been staring at the two for a while. An amused look was on Changbin's while Minho had more of a judging expression as he looked at the two. 

Sometimes... those two get a little too close for his liking. 

As you can see- I experiment genres-

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