Chapter 5

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"Miyu wait!" The girl halted as she got on her hoverboard right after stepping out from the main door of the hideout. She turned around, giving a slightly bored look to the male that approached.

Jeongin let out a sigh, catching up with her as he dropped the hoverboard beside hers, and the board lifted above the ground slightly. "Can I come with you?" He asked, looking at his best friend in her eyes. 

The girl raised an eyebrow. "You- but didn't you swear to never ride that thing?" She asked, pointing a finger down at the board that stayed in mid-air, next to Jeongin.

Jeongin let out a light chuckle, rubbing his nape before nodding. "I did but- I wanna go supply hunting with you," He said, looking at her with a little more determination.

Jeongin remembered how he fell from the hoverboard and into the bottomless abyss once, only to be saved by Minho, but barely in time. He was traumatized after that, but he pushed that memory to the back of his mind, pretending that it never happened.

"Im serious," the boy said, his voice eager and confident. The girl looked at him curiously, narrowing her eyes at him. She knew he was terrible at it and she knew he was a little bit of a coward after he had that dangerous fall.

But taking her best friend out to the city and hunting for supplies together did sound fun- but she wondered if he could keep up.

A small smile crept on Miyuki's face as she nodded. "Alright then, little fox," She said placing one of her feet at the back of the hoverboard, causing it to rise higher. She looked down at the male who had his head up, watching up.

"I'm not little!" The male said, jumping on the hoverboard, accidentally placing both his legs at the back of the hoverboard, causing it to rise fast than he anticipated. 

The board lifted up all of a sudden and he spread his arms to balance himself, and luckily he moved his legs so that he stopped at the girl's level.

Jeongin felt his heart thump as he looked down, seeing that they were already at least a dozen meters in from the ground now. He turned to Miyuki, who had her arms crossed, giving him an amused smirk.

He smiled nervously, although the girl could easily read that he was already scared.  "See... I've got it handled" He said, raising his hands and giving her a thumbs up as he still had that awkward nervous smile. 

Miyuki chuckled and shook her head a little. "I can see that, obviously" She said in a light sarcastic tone, teasing him.

Jeongin wasn't offended, but rather feeling relieved now that the girl laughed. She was smiling and that was what he wanted. 

"Okay let's go" The girl then said, turning around in her hoverboard and dashing away. Jeongin turned to look at her, positioning himself, and stood still- but then realized he was just staying in the air on a still hoverboard.

He looked down at his feet and scoffed. "Move! come on!" He whisper and yelled at the board even though he knew it wasn't how it worked. 

Miyuki stopped in mid-air when she noticed that she wasn't being followed. She turned around and saw that Jeongin was still on his board, on the same spot, clueless about how to control it.

She went back to him, circling around him a little as she giggled. "Your front legs," She said, pointing at Jeongin's legs. The boy nodded, positioning his lips forward on the board and a yelp escaped his lips as it began moving.

"Woah-" He stabled arms flinging open as he tried his best to not fall from that height. 

"Relax," Miyuki said, speeding up to his side. While he was almost wobbling off the board, she stood still with her hands behind her back. "Stay calm," She said softly.

Jeongin gulped. He wondered how he could possibly stay still while he could be tossed off this board any second. But then again, he was the one who chose his own fate. He may as well listen to her.

The boy stopped panicking, slowing down his movements as he gradually calmed down. He was slowly getting the hang of it and Miyuki watched him with a smile as he steered the board on his own.

It always surprised her at how fast he learned things- but that is if he had the right teacher. 

It was much much different when her brother tried to teach him hoverboarding.

Jeongin laughed a little as he went on a zigzag path on the hoverboard, unable to believe how quickly he was getting a hang of it. He then turned to look at the girl who watched behind him. 

"Good job little fox!" She said with a small amused smile, clapping her hands a bit. The male then hovered over to her, quickly and suddenly, staying very close in front of her. 

"I am not little," Jeongin said, using two fingers to hold the girl's chin and lift her face up to look at his face. Miyuki furrowed her eyebrows, confused by her best friend's sudden action. 
She backed away slightly on the board, pursing her lips before turning to the city a close distance away from them. 

"Race you there ...little fox," She said before dashing toward the tall buildings, while Jeongin let out a light groan. He looked at the girl, narrowing his eyes a bit before his face lit up with a smile. He let out a sigh and then dashed after her. 

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