Chapter 13

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The morning felt different.

Fear and anticipation fueled their bodies, dragging them to their feet and to the admin room once more, all of them looking way more ready than they should be with the small amount of sleep they had... especially Minho.

"Officer Han and Hyunjin will go with you along with two others, including the captain of the drone," Junkwon said as he looked at the group who walked in. He wasn't wasting any time today. 

After all, humanity was on the line here.

Hyunjin, and the officer who guarded Miyuki and Minho, nodded their heads, giving Junkwon a salute before turning around and walking out. The others followed suit, making their way to the rooftop of the building where the large drone vehicle was.

Once out in the open, and the vehicles in sight, Minho felt a strange feeling course through his veins. He was so close to being on the surface... so close to taking revenge on those aliens. He was ready to destroy them.

Hyunjin and Officer Han both led the group into the vehicle. An officer, dressed the same as Han greeted them with a small nod, and the captain, who was a female with short brown hair, also acknowledged their arrival.

"I hope you're all ready," The other officer said. Compared to the other boys, he was tall... very tall.

"We are," Hyunjin said with a nod as all of them walked inside and took a seat, buckling their seatbelts carefully. He turned his head to the girl who sat at the controls, watching the group. "Captain Shin, let's step out," Hyunjin said, making the woman smile and nod before pressing a button that closed the door of the drone-like vehicle.

Within seconds, they could feel it hovering and with great speed, it dashed toward an opening right above them; the tunnel that leads out of the underground colony.

As the vehicle sped through the tunnel, everything was almost pitch black for them, except for the captain, the officers, and Hyunjin who had special goggles and tech on them to help them see in the dark. 

Minho's heart thumped, and so did Jeongin's and Changbin's as the darkness slowly kept fading and fading. They were nearing the gateway to the surface... to a dangerous, unfamiliar world where everything was once perfect and life was thriving.

Miyuki had her gaze directly on the glass part of the wall right in front of her as the vehicle finally then went out of the tunnel, into the great open. Her eyes widened when she saw the land... she saw mountains, valleys, and a whole lot of wasteland and debris. 

Was this earth?

It looked so... empty.

Where were the trees? where were the cattle? Where was all the greenery? Was this really... their planet? Can they even save it?

Minho's breath shuddered as it escaped through his lips. His eyes drifted along the planes, taking in every single image of his destroyed world. He felt his fingertips go cold, his ambition to complete this risky mission covering up all the fear that was building up inside him.

"You have their location right?" Hyunjin asked the captain as he stood behind her. The brunette nodded in response, her hand placed on a digital screen that she used to control the vehicle. 

"Officer Bhang and the other troops are just a mile from here. we'll reach there shortly" She said.

Miyuki looked as the other woman in the drone spoke. She chewed on her lower lip slightly and then turned her head to look outside once more. Was this... really earth? but it wasn't what she was hoping to see.

Growing up, she learned about beautiful meadows, lakes, forests, and blue skies. Jeongin had even coded a virtual reality game for her with all the scenery... she was hoping to see all of it in person. 

Ofcourse, she did know about the earth being destroyed by the invaders, but she wasn't expecting it to be in such a state. She expected that only the animals and humans were targeted; maybe the flora would've flourished over the years, but she couldn't have been more wrong.

The aliens, the invaders, didn't just invade the earth to rid of humans and become the kings of the food chain. They invaded Earth to destroy it. To make it a lifeless rock that orbits around its star for the next billion years.

They needed to be stopped.

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