Chapter 2

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Jeongin was laying on the bottom bunk, working on something over his laptop. His fingers typed quickly and his eyes followed the lines of the coding as it went on. He was concentrated on this little project of his.

He had hacked into security systems before and even coded a security feature for their hideout that anyone would be amazed by; a device that hid anything in a certain radius. 

Ofcourse, he did require Changbin's help, as he was the one who was better at actually building it. All he did was design a never-seen complex code. 

It wasn't much of a big deal for him really. It was easy. He didn't even have to put in that much effort while making it. 

But now, doing this little project, he wanted it to be perfect.

And, he was using his full focus on it.

So, you wouldn't expect him to not flinch and mistype when his best friend all of a sudden jumps down from the top bunk and tackle him.

"Hey!- Miyuuu" Jeongin whined, pushing the girl back as he looked at the mistyped coding. He sighed, closing the laptop before turning to the girl who gave him an innocent look. He gave her a small glare.  

Miyuki rolled her eyes, getting yet again the same reaction she gets every other time she interrupted him. 

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, ignoring the glare. 

Jeongin glanced at the laptop in his hands and then back at her before opening it. 

"Something important," He said, almost sounding bored. Miyuki pouted, scooting closer to him, trying to peek at the screen, but Jeongin turned it away from her.

Jeongin and Miyuki had been best friends since.. they were 17; which is also the time they first met in the colony. Changbin, Minho, Miyuki, and Jeongin were in quite a similar situation when they met- and so, they decided to ally, and use thier abilities and strengths to survive. 

Four years later, they are now living together. It was pretty much like a family, since neither of them remembered their own, except Minho. He remembered his parents well. He remembered the day it all went downhill.

His four-year-old self never deserved to see the horrid creatures he saw that day. He never deserved to be taken away from his parents like that and worst of all, to watch how his unborn younger sister almost never be able to take her first breath.

To him, that day would've been one of the happiest days of his four-year-old self. He was going to be a big brother. They were on the highway to the hospital. He was sitting right next to his mother, gently touching her tummy, feeling slight movements of the unborn girl inside.

He was excited. He was happy. He was going to show his little sister the beautiful waterfalls, the flying swans, and the beautiful stars. 

But, a single flash outside sparked the beginning to shatter his little heart's hopes. All of a sudden, there were loud noises, screams, sounds of buildings falling. Sounds of explosions. Sounds of people screeching. 

It all happened so fast. It happened too quickly. It all suddenly, that Minho couldn't even remember it. The last memory he did remember was when he first came to Lower Hive along with the survivors. 

He remembered settling in with his mother, who survived, but she too, passed away giving birth. It was heartbreaking for Minho. No one else was there and the poor four-year-old had no idea what to do about the newborn baby girl, covered in blood that was on the cold floor.

He was scared. She didn't look like a baby. She was covered in blood and that scared him. But something in him just couldn't let her cry for longer than a minute on the floor. 

With brave steps, Minho stepped forward and scooped her up in his arms. He tried his best to be as gentle as possible, and with shaky hands, used his own mother's dress to wipe off the blood on the crying baby, all while he cried too.

That was all his poor little heart could think of doing. He felt so scared. Scared that he'd lose her too. He wanted to protect his baby sister. His little light. He wanted to hide her from all those dangerous things he saw.

She became his everything. And he took care of her. 

He did eventually find an adult who could help him- well not really. They just sent him to an orphanage, but at least, his sister was going to be safe. Atleast, she wouldn't starve or have hurt herself having someone watch over her.

Minho watched his sister grow, right alongside him. She had a smile, an adorable one; one that he had, but was broken after a flame of hatred for the invaders sparked inside him. The only thing that didn't let him give in to burning in that flame was Miyuki.

His sister. 

His little saving light.

He didn't want to leave her alone. He was all that she had too. 

They grew up in an orphanage, and Minho turned 13, and his sister, 10. That's when things started getting... difficult. The orphan girls started to annoy him but he'd just avoided them- until, some of them started to bully his younger sister, thinking their relationship was different.

Minho was furious with that, and when he learned that his sister secretly cried too many nights, he had enough. He ran away from the orphanage, taking his 10-year-old sister with him. 

It was an even more difficult life after that to survive. But, he found a way to provide for himself and his little sister...even if it was wrong.  

Yes, at the age of 13, he became a thief- well, all he stole were food, and as little as he could, and as years went on, he became more skilled, more agile, and when his sister started to come along with him, it almost became too easy for them.

She was just as agile, quick, and clever as her brother. 

Their names slowly and surely became the talk of the town, and as the underground city was built majestically, so did the spreading of their names as the city's 'trouble twins'. 

They were criminals but not really villains, If that even made sense. 

After years of living like that, in the shadows of the city, they were almost cornered one night. Back then, Minho was 20, and Miyuki was 17. They were running in an alleyway, trying to shake off some cops on their trail when they bumped into two other boys who ran from the opposite direction.

That was how they met. 

And escaping together that night was what led to the present day. The bonds and friendships they had right now.

Miyuki pouted at Jeongin before giving several light punches on Jeongin's shoulder when he focused back on his laptop. He ignored it until it became a little too irritating. 

"Miyuki, stop! that's annoying!" Jeongin groaned out of annoyance, and the girl stopped, frowning at him. She then got off the bed, turned away, and walked out of the room, slamming the door.

Jeongin sighed.

He had no idea how he had put up with her, really. Or how she had put up with him. 

They are best friends, but they also taunted each other a little too often

But he had a feeling he'd miss it if she ever stopped being like that. It was kind of like a daily routine; have Miyuki annoy him while he works on something. 

Though, she usually doesn't go out of the room without saying anything...unless she was slightly hurt.

And then it hit Jeongin like a truck. He realized his mistake.

He groaned, leaning back slightly before looking back at the screen of his laptop. He glanced at it before sighing and closing it.

"I called her 'Miyuki' didn't I?"


how is it so far-

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