I need your touch

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Gemini asked me to spend the night at his condo tonight out of nowhere, which is really strange because as much as he likes spending time with his friends he likes his privacy and thus he rarely invites anyone over. Come to think of it Gemini has been acting stranger than usual, the comments he makes. It's not only me who has noticed this change in him, even Phu has noticed it. He asked me the other day if Gemini was mad at him or what because he has been acting cold and distant towards him. I mean granted they are not the best of friends but they are pretty close so it's unusual for Gem to act like towards any of his friends.
*In Gem's car driving to his condo*

"Gem... are you okay?" I said with a low, soft voice because since we got into the car Gemini has been awfully quiet and seems like he is sulking. Gemini just nodded not even looking my direction. "Why are you even inviting me to your house if you are not even going to talk to me?" I thought to myself. After an excruciatingly awkward 20minutes we finally arrived at Gem's condo. We walked in still in silence, the tension was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife. "Uhm would you like something to drink or maybe to eat?" Those were the first words Gem said to me in the last hour. "Sure, what do you have to eat? I am starving." I said trying to put my best smile. He opened the refrigerator door and said "I think we should just order in, I don't have much that's edible." Okay you take a shower and I'll order something, but first I need to call Phu." Gem turned towards and asked me with a tone that sounds irritated and annoyed "What for? Why do you need to call him? Why do you always have to talk to him or talk about him even when you are with me?" Before I could answer and clarify that I needed to cancel with Phuwin because I was spending the night he stormed off to his room.

"Phu this, phuw that." I said mockingly as I stormed into my bedroom. I could just scream, I am so frustrated. Why does Fourth always have to bring him up, it's annoying enough that we are constantly compared to each other, from how we look to our achievements, and now I have to compete with him for Fourth's attention. It's honestly annoying. At this point my heart beat started to accelerate, my chest became heavier and I started to feel hot. "I should take a cold shower to cool me down." I thought to myself. I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower, 5 minutes in the shower I started to feel light headed, and I had throbbing pain by my frontal cortex. I got off the shower , barely dry I put on shorts and went to look for paracetamol, aspirin any pain tablet to ease this pain but nothing. I laid down on my bed, vision blurry and felt nauseated.
After what felt like an eternity of agony I head the door open slowly. "Gem... Gem can I come in? We need to talk." Fourth said with a soft but stern tone. I could barely utter any words because even breathing now felt like a mission. When Fourth saw me lying there shirtless, wet hair and probably at death's door he rushed to me and in panic and said "Gem! Gem! Are you okay? What's wrong? Why are you shirtless and the AC is turned at a low temperature you will get sick and your hair is wet." I tried to open my eyes and said "Calm down would you, I have a headache and I feel hot. I am not dying." But it felt like I am dying. He rummaged through my room and gave me two tablets to drink while putting a sweater on me. He was still nagging but I could hardly hear a word he said through this throbbing pain.
He tucked me in, and still nagging about how I don't get enough sleep, and drink enough water or eat anything with sustenance and that is why I am getting so sick so easily these days. "Fourth, hold me please." I said as I cut him off his nagging. "Huh?" He replied, "You have a hearing problem these days don't you? Because you keep making me repeat myself." He looked at me and scoffed, and said "Don't be a smart-ass, come get some sleep, I will make you some soup or something." I held his wrist as he was about to leave and said "Fourth can you please hold me, please my head is killing me." He then got into bed with me and wrapped his arms around me and I put my head on his chest. He felt firm but soft and he had this unique scent that just brought me comfort, and he was warm. I could feel my body relax and the pain subsiding. My heart rate started to slow down and beat at a regular pace and my stomach that was in knots started to relax as well. I felt at peace and drifted off to dreamland.

There something wrong with Gemini, he is getting headaches easily. I don't want to mention how moody he becomes, one minute he is hot then he is cold. He literally goes from zero to a hundred in a span of seconds. I wonder if it's school and work schedules, maybe he is having a hard time balancing everything. I know I always scold him about time management but I always thought he was coping. I looked at him with his head on my chest and thought "He has become clingy as well, which is unlike him." I slowly tried to get off the bed but he just pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Ugh Gem what's with you these days, why are you so clingy." I thought to myself as I surrendered myself and eventually fell asleep.

I felt the warmth of the sun on my face as I slowly opened my eyes. I turned to my side and noticed a beautiful sight, it was Fourth lying next to me, looking so adorable. Honestly how can someone be so adorable in everything he does, he is just lying there asleep and he looks perfect. I removed the hair from his face so I could admire his face in all it's beautiful glory when he slowly opened his eyes. With a hoarse voice he said "Gem you are awake, how are you feeling?" I smiled at him and nodded. Puzzled he got into a sitting position and supported his body on the headrest and looked at me. "Gem, be honest with me what's going on?" He said with a voice still hoarse but with a stern tone. I looked at him and smiled "Nothing bro, I am fine." He looked upset, his lips formed a pout and he walked out of the room.
"Shia Gem why did you say that? Nothing bro? Nothing bro? Seriously." I thought to myself as I followed Fourth to the kitchen. "Fourth are you mad at me?" I asked in a soft toned voice. "Do I have any right to be mad at you Gem?" He said in a voice full of hurt not even making eye contact. "I am sorry Fourth." I said, but he didn't respond, didn't even look at me. I started to feel bad, an unnerving feeling, I didn't like this feeling, my chest became heavy again. I then blurted out "I don't know what's going on with me but all I know is that when you are close to me I feel better, I feel calmer. Please don't be mad at me Fourth, look at me say something." And before I knew it I was out of breath and started hyperventilating, my head felt dizzy and then I felt his arms wrapped around me patting my back with him chanting "It's okay Gem, just breath okay. It's okay just breath for me." My heart rate slowed down and my chest opened up and I could breath again.
Thank you for reading this chapter, I hoped you enjoyed it and I will try to upload as soon as possible. Thank you for everyone who has read and voted. if you have any feedback let me know. Xoxo 🌻🌞

My stupid heart (Gemini and Fourth)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin