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"Gem hurry up we are late, and you didn't help me pack like you promised!" Fourth was yelling from the kitchen impatiently as I wore my hoodie. "Gem!!" He yelled again as I walked into the kitchen. "All done, and would you relax? We will make it in time. I promise." I said.

"And you promised to help me pack last night and look where that got me?" He said sulking. He was so adorable when he was sulking, with his mouth all pouty. "I know I am sorry okay." I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a kiss. He gave me a smile. Oh his smile was beautiful. I gave him another kiss.

"Okay enough Gem, we are going to be late if we don't leave now." He said trying to escape my grasp. "Just one more kiss." He smiled as his rosy pink cheeks glowed. "Gemmm." He said, "Just one more na, na na na" I said and with that he placed his delicate soft lips on mine. I pulled him closer to me and deepened our kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck. We kissed and we put our foreheads together.

"Okay Gem we really need to go now." He said. "Do we really have to?" I asked not wanting to let him go. "Yes besides we promised Mark and Ford that we will pick them up." He said as he gave me a peck on my cheek. I sighed and said "Okay let's go.". I took our luggage and we headed out of the door.

We picked Mark and then Ford. We drove to Pattaya. Fourth had decided to sit in the back seat with Ford. I didn't want that because I wanted him by my side, within arms reach but instead I had Mark within my arms reach. I was sulking a bit as I kept glancing in the mirror and seeing him and Ford chit-chating and laughing. "Stop sulking, your boyfriend is still in the car with you not another province." Mark whispered and laughed. 

After a 2-3 hour long and exhausting drive to Pattaya we got to Prom's beach house. Satang, Winny and Captain were already there when we arrived. "Took you long enough." Winny said. "It's all Gem's fault, I woke him up 3 times and if I didn't drag him out of the bed we might still not be here." Fourth said. "You slept at Gemini's place yesterday?" Satang asked  looking at me and then at Fourth.

"Yeah we thought it would be easier since we were coming together." Fourth said with an awkward smile and I could see that his ears were turning red and cheeks were now glowing in a shade of red from blushing. "Oh so you all slept over at Gemini's?" Prom asked and immediately Mark said "No" with smirk on his face.

"No only Gem and I slept together... I mean only I slept with Gem... I mean slept over at Gem's place." Fourth said as  his face reddened. The others said "Huh?"  in unison and Mark laughed. I on the other couldn't help but smile as I enjoyed seeing my boyfriend struggle to explain to our friends why he spent the night at my place.

"So the house has 4 bedrooms, we can all divide in pairs of two and share a room, Mark and Ford can share a room together." Prom said looking at Mark and Ford with a mischievous smile. "No I will share a room with Gemini." Ford said as he shifted from Mark and moved closer to me. I was about to protest but I noticed Fourth furrow his eyebrows. So instead of protesting I said "Oh okay." with a smile on my face.

"GeminiFord. Mhm ghostship. If we cannot sail MarkFord we might as well sail GeminiFord." Prom said with a grin on his face. I kept my gaze on Fourth and I noticed he had clenched his fists. "GeminiFord, it has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" Prom said, and Satang added "It definetly does." Mark laughed. "So it's decided Winny and Satang will share a room, then our blooming couple Gemini and For-"

"Oiii!" Prom was cut abruptly by Fourth who had raging flames in his eyes. The guys looked at him in shock but I laughed a bit, which earned me a death glare from Fourth. He looked so adorable when he was raging with jealousy. "Fourth what's wrong? " Prom asked looking confused as to why Fourth just yelled.

"If anyone is going to be sharing a room with Gemini it will be me." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. Mark being Mark asked with a grin "Why is that Fourth? Aren't we all friends with the exception of Winny and Satang?". Mark was pouring fuel to the burning flames of Fourth's jealousy.

"Because Gem is mine." Fourth said delirious with jealousy and not realizing what he had said. "Huh?" The guys said in unison with the exception of me and Mark who was laughing. I on the hand was beaming with happiness because Fourth called me his" . Fourth rarely gets jealous not seriously anyways. So this possessive and jealous Fourth was very attractive to me.

Fourth realized what he had said and the once fiery eyes softened and the face that was tinted red with rage became pale. Mark was clearly amused with the scene infront of him. "Why are you possessive over Gemini Fourth?" Ford asked, but I think Winny, Satang and Captain already had a clue of the reason behind Fourth's possessiveness.

"Uhm... I am not possessive over Gem." Fourth said as he scratched the back of his head avoiding Ford's gaze. "I think I have a clue." Mark said snickering. Fourth gave me the please help me look and I couldn't help but let out a small laughter. I wasn't going to say anything, I wanted him to say something and let the guys know about our status.

"I... just think since.. uhm since Gem and I are boyfriends we should share a room... just like Satang and Winny." Fourth said in an almost whisper stuttering. "Huh? Boyfriends? Since when?" Prom asked, while Ford stared at Fourth in a state of shock. "Almost eight months now, right Gemini?" Mark chimed in.

"You knew?" Prom and Ford asked simultaneously.  Mark nodded smiling. Prom's face lit up as if he realized something. "So that explains the bruises on your neck and chest the other day." Prom said making Fourth and I to turn red with embarrassment. "So that wasn't an allergic reaction?" Ford asked. "If by allergic reaction you mean Gemini's lips then you are correct" Mark said laughing. 

"You sly flox Gemini." Captain said, I averted my gaze from them looking at everything else but them. They bombarded us with questions. We then decided on the rooms and decided to meet up after an hour for dinner, Prom said that his parents had send a chef to make sure we have proper nutrition. 
"Are you still sulking?" I said as I wrapped my arms around Fourth's waist as he stood by the balcony admiring the ocean view. "Baby..." I said as I kissed his neck. "Forgive me na'." I said as I gave him another kiss on the cheek.

"I am angry with you." Fourth said pouting. "I wasn't going to share a room with Ford." I plead my case. "Mhm but you seemed very eager." Fourth said still pouting. "How could I be eager to share a room with Ford when I can share it with someone this sexy and adorable even when sulking." I said as I kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear making him laugh.

"Er fine I forgive you." Fourth said as he turned towards and wrapped his arms around my neck. "I am going to shower now." He said as he kissed my lips before walking into the room.

"Baby wait! Can I join you?" I asked him excitedly because I wanted to spend some extra time with him. "No Gem you will end up distracting and the shower will take longer than necessary." Fourth replied.

"Please baby, pretty please with a cherry on top." I plead my case. "Okay but only showering, no funny business khun Gemini." He said as he pointed his finger at me.

"I promise, scout's honour." I said with four fingers raised to my head. "Scout's honour is with three fingers you idiot." Fourth said as he shook his head and laughed.

We took a shower, and I kept my promise. No funny business was done, there was only some back scrubbing, some kissing and other serious business 🤭😳.

After over an hour Fourth and I walked over to the dinning area where our friends had begun eating dinner. "Oho you finally decided to grace us with your presence." Mark said. "So what took you guys so long?" Prom asked, Fourth looked at each other and smiled. "I think I know what took them so long." Mark said looking at the hickey I unintentionally left on Fourth's neck.

Shit! Fourth is going to kill me. 🤦‍♂️ 
Thank you for reading this chapter. Feedback is always appreciated. I will try to update as soon as I can. Rak na jub jub 🌞🌻

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