The engagement

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It has been a month since Gemini and Fourth's parents have agreed to their engagement. At first the parents tried to convince the two to wait until after their graduation, but Gemini was adiment that he wants to get married to Fourth as soon as possible.

Seeing how they couldn't convince their two sons to agree to a long engagement instead of getting married immediately.  The two families started planning for the wedding, the mothers being  the more excited ones in terms of planning, whereas the fathers used the wedding planning as an excuse to go golfing.

They decided on having two weddings, a ceremony in Thailand and a legal wedding in New Zealand. They also decided to not publicize their relationship because they don't want it affecting their careers, but they will not deny it either if asked about it. Their PR team will help them deal with it.

Fourth's birthday was in a few days, 2 days to be exact and Gemini had asked Mark to help me pick a gift for Fourth, seeing that the two have been close lately. If Mark was not seeing Ford, he would've been jealous of their relationship. Fourth did assure him though that Mark is like an older brother to him and he just feels comfortable with him.

"So what do you think?" Gemini asked Mark holding a black Louis Vuitton Discovery backpack. Mark observed the backpack while nodding and asked "why are you buying a backpack? I never see you with one." Gemini sighs and said "Mark, it's not for me. It's for Fourth, I noticed he likes using a backpack when we go to events or even when he goes to varsity."

Mark nods still checking the backpack and he gasped when he saw the price "Gem this backpack is almost $5000." He said with his eyes widened. "Okay? Do you think he would like it though?" Gemini asked. Mark shook his head in disbelief.  $5000 for a backpack? "It is nice, I think he would like it but don't you think it's too much?" Mark asked looking at Gemini in disbelief.

Gemini shook his head then said "Nothing is ever too much for my Fotfot." then moved to the cashier, handed her his black card and paid. Mark was at a loss for words "$5000 for a backpack" He mumbled to himself. He initially thought they were done for the day after that but he was wrong. Gemini dragged him across the mall, he bought matching shoes for him and Fourth. He bought a few couple clothing because somehow he thought it would be cute if he and Fourth matched.

"Gemini we have been shopping for the past 2hours, you have bought all of this stuff. Very expensive stuff! Can we go eat now? I think Fourth will appreciate all these gifts." Mark whined because his feet were aching from walking around the mall for the past few hours. "I will treat you to a meal. Just go with me to one last stop. I really need your opinion on this one." Gemini said dragging Mark to another store.

When they reached the store Mark noticed it was a jewelry store. "Gem what are we doing here?" Mark whispered as his eyes roamed around the store. The store looked luxurious and Mark knew that the stuff being sold here must be pricey. Gemini didn't answer Mark instead he approached the sales person while Mark followed him with his eyes still roaming around the place in awe.

"Sawedee krub, I am here to pick up an order for Norawit Titicharoenrak." Gemini said to the sales person handing her a piece of paper. The lady greeted him and asked him to wait as she goes to check on the order. "What order is this?" Mark asked whispering to Gemini, but he was met with silence.

The sales lady returned with a jewelry box, and placed it on the glass counter delicately and opened it revealing it's contents. Inside it were 2 gorgeous white gold David Yurman wedding bands. Mark's eyes widened and this time he was indeed at a loss for words, too stunned to speak.

"The rings are engraved just like you had requested sir, please check them and let us know if you are satisfied with them." The sales person said. Gemini carefully examined the rings and the engravement on them and nodded "They are perfect. Thank you." He said smiling. The lady packed the them carefully, Gemini gave in his black card and paid before they left.

My stupid heart (Gemini and Fourth)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt