The concert

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Gemini opened his eyes vision a bit blurry he rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn. His eyes met with Fourth's image. He was still sleeping, his hair curtaining his eyes.

Gemini reached his hand out and gently removed the hair that was curtaining over his lover's eyes exposing his long eye lashes. He traced his finger slowly over his eyes, then nose and then on his plump pink lips.

"You're so pretty nong'Sí." Gemini said to himself with a smile admiring the beauty before him. "I am not pretty, I am  handsome." Fourth replied in low hoarse voice. "How long have you been awake?" Gemini asked his lover smiling.

Fourth slowly opening his eyes smiled softly and said "When you started tracing your finger on my face and stared at me like a creep when I was sleeping." Fourth said smirking. "It's called admiration khun Nattawat." Gemini said poking Fourth's cheeks.

"Admiration" Fourth said mockingly earning himself a bunch of kisses from Gemini as a form of punishment. "Ai'Gem..." Fourth whined while giggling.

Gemini was silent for a while looking at Fourth and caressing his hair. "What is it?" Fourth asked with his voice low and husky. "I love you." Gemini replied his voice low and full of admiration. 

He smiled as he saw Fourth's flutter and his face flushed and cheeks turn pink. Gemini couldn't resist the urge to kiss his love on the lips gently. With their lips slightly parted he said softly "I love you so so much Fourth."

They stared at each other for a while with Gemini's hand running through Fourth's hair. "I love you too Gem... so so much." Fourth whispered.

Gemini leaned into Fourth's face and kissed his forehead. "I love everything about you." He said kissing his eyes. "Your velvety and beautifully deep brown eyes that are rich and chocolate."

He kissed his nose. "Your beautiful nose..." He kissed his cheek "your natural rosy pink cheeks that glow when you blush." He kissed his lips " Your soft, plump pink lips that resemble a cherry blossom petal at the dawn of spring."

Fourth's cheeks crimson and ears red, smiled underneath his lover. Gemini smiling kissed his lips and said " And that smile- oh that smile that never fails to make me smile." With another kiss he said "a smile so radiant, so beautiful. A smile that melts my heart."

Fourth leaned over and pressed his lips on Gemini's. It was like his soul opened up. Tasting, feeling and seeing every colour of the rainbow. The kiss was sensual, almost like catching a smile in a bottle. The softness and sweetnes.

It felt like Fourth was breathing in Gemini like a cool inhalation of oxygen to warm his soul. It was like at that moment with their tongues intertwined  nothing in the world existed but him and Gemini. It felt like they were levitating off the bed floating in the air.

Their lips parted slightly, an affectionate smile on Gemini's face he whispered again his undying love for Fourth for the umpteenth time. Fourth giving his love a beaming smile said "I know. I love you too, now get off me and go back to your room before your parents catch you in here."

Gemini groaned and buried his face in the nook of Fourth's neck. "Gem, get up it's morning already." Fourth said  chuckling. Gemini lifted his head and gave Fourth's neck a kiss and said "okay I will go." And gave him a peck on the lips.

While Gemini was sneaking away from the guest room Fourth was sleeping in he came across his cousin, Lisa. "Uhm hey cuz... great morning we have to day." He smiled awkwardly.  "Mmh I am sure it is." Lisa said with a grin on her face glancing at the closed door behind Gemini. "See you at breakfast." Gemini said hurriedly walking to his room with a flushed face leaving his cousin with a satisfied smile.

My stupid heart (Gemini and Fourth)Where stories live. Discover now