our kind of love

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Gemini was woken up by the sound of banging. It was someone knocking, he carefully removed Fourth's hand that was placed on his chest , daring not to wake him up. He put on some joggers and a t-shirt.

He walked out the bedroom door opening it slowly, making sure not to awaken his love. He walked up to the door swearing to kill whoever it is on the other side of the door.

"Hey cuz!" Lisa said with a beaming smile pushing her way through the door into the condo. Gemini sighed and closed the door. "So are you guys ready?" Lisa asked with wide grin, clearly she was excited.

"Lisa it's 7h00am in the morning. Why would you think we would be ready so early." Gemini replied with a yawn. "Didn't uncle tell you?" Lisa asked and Gemini shook his head as he walked to the kitchen to make some coffee. Surely some of the devil's juice will wake him up.

"My dad and uncle said we must meet them at for breakfast at the resort." Lisa replied and Gemini groaned as he handed Lisa a cup of coffee.

"So where is Fourth? Still asleep?" Lisa asked looking around the room. "No shit, Sherlock." Gemini replied taking a sip of the piping cup of the caffeinated beverage in hopes it will wake him up.

"I'll go wake him up!" Lisa said as she made her way towards Gemini's bedroom but was hurriedly blocked by Gemini with a disapproving look on his face. "What?" Lisa asked innocently.

"Seriously Lis, you don't just budge in a couple's room like that." Gemini said with furrowed eyebrows. Lisa smirked when she understood what he was implying.

"I will go wake up MY boyfriend. Maybe you should get one so you can stop bothering mine." Gemini said as he entered his bedroom. Lisa laughed and yelled "I am a lesbian Gem!". "Get a girlfriend then!" Gemini yelled back.

Gemini woke up Fourth gently by giving him a kiss on the forehead. Fourth reluctantly woke up and they both showered and prepared themselves.

All three of them drove together to the resort because Lisa insisted on riding in Gemini's new car, leaving her car at Gemini's condos parking. Gemini's parents had bought him a Mercedes-Benz Maybach s680 for his 19th birthday.

After almost 2 hours of driving and multiple videos of Fourth peacefully sleeping by the passenger seat that Gemini took they finally arrived at the resort. It was already 10h15am and they were greeted by his father.

"There they are!" Gemini's father said as he approached them. They all politely greeted and bowed their heads slightly. "Fourth son, so good to see you. Come there are some people I would like you to meet." Gemini's father said as he drapped his arm around Fourth's shoulders leading him inside the resort.

Gemini looked at Lisa and then at his father who was already walking away from them with his boyfriend in disbelief. "Poh your son is right here. What is this? Am I adopted?" Gemini mumbled. Lisa laughed and patted his shoulder and said "looks like you are not the favorite son anymore kiddo." Making Gemini roll his eyes.

They shortly followed them into the resort where Gemini's father was proudly introducing Fourth as his future son-in-law and bragged about how smart and business-minded he is to some of his friends and business partners.

Gemini stood at the corner with a drink in his hand. He couldn't even feel jealous, he was happy about how supportive and accepting his father was even if it meant having his boyfriend stolen from him once again.

"Jealous?" Lisa said startling Gemini who was lost in his own thoughts."Christ Lisa! Why do you always creep up on me like that." Lisa laughed and asked once again "so are you jealous that you lost the favorite son title from Fourth."

My stupid heart (Gemini and Fourth)Where stories live. Discover now