Stay with me

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it's been four weeks since I had been in contact with Fourth. I missed him every single day of those four weeks. It's just since that day I thought it could do us both good if we gave each other space. Since that day my parents took me to see a psychiatrist, it turns out I had a depressive disorder with generalized anxiety disorder hence the panic attacks. She prescribed me some antidepressants and anxiolytics and I must say I have been feeling better. She also suggested I see a therapist but I am not ready to open up to anyone at the moment. My parents suggested we come to our beach house in Phuket for vacation. I took leave of absence both at varsity and work. I reached out to Phuwin to clear the air and he was pretty understanding. I have been in contact with Mark and the others, mostly to indirectly check up on Fourth.
I wanted to reach out to him, I wanted to call or text him but considering he hasn't reached out since that night I figured he was still upset. I have been following his activities on social media, and via our friends. I even spoke to his twin sister the other day. "I miss you so much Fourth, I wonder if you miss me too" I thought to myself as I laid down on my bed after an exhausting day at the beach. Then suddenly my phone rang,I lazily picked it up and wondered who was calling. Fourth's name displayed on the phone screen, my heart raced and I immediately answered.

Gem: Hello
Gem: Hello Fourth can you hear me?
Fourth: Uhm Hello Gem..
Gem: How are you Fourth?
Fourth: I missed you Gem
Fourth: I am sorry about everything. I am sorry I left you when you needed me the most. I know you probably hate me by now. I didn't mean to leave like that I just...
Gem: I don't hate you Fourth. These four weeks have been really hard without you. I missed you.
Fourth:Uhm... so you are not mad?
Gem: No I thought you were mad at me so I was afraid to reach out to you. I wanted to give you space
Fourth: About what happened that night, I think we should talk about it.
Gem: Let's meet up and talk about it? I am coming back tomorrow
Fourth: Okay Gem, take care.

With that he hung up the phone. Fourth said he misses me, he said he is not mad at me. With that I jumped off the bed and ran to the lounge where my parents were sitting. "Mae, Pa... I wanna go home tomorrow, I can drive myself home if you guys still want to enjoy your vacation." I said while trying to catch my breath. My mother and father looked at me with a concerned look on their face, "catch your breath son, what's happening? Why do you want to leave suddenly. " Mae said."Something happened son?" My father added. "Nothing is wrong mom, I just feel like I rested enough and I wanna get back to work and school." I replied. "Okay son we will leave first thing tomorrow morning." My father replied shaking his head, my mother nodded.
We left early in the morning the next day, I almost dragged my parents out of bed that morning because I was so impatient, I couldn't wait to see Fourth. We drove for like 3 hours and got to Bangkok around 12h00pm. As soon as I got home I texted Fourth letting him know I am in Bangkok if he still wants to meet. He replied asking me to pick him up at the company. "Mae, pa... I am headed to Grammy okay? Don't worry I will drive myself." I told my parents. "Wait honey, you just got home and you are already rushing to work." My mother replied. "I am not going for work, I am meeting friends for lunch." I replied. "Let him go love, he missed his friends." My father replied. My mother nodded, "Call us if you need anything" she said. "I got it." I said as I kissed them both on the cheek and I headed out.

I just received a text from Gem telling me he is Bangkok. He is probably on his way and I feel so nervous to see him again after so long, especially after that kiss incident. "Are you okay Fourth?" P'Mark asked. "I'm fine Phi." I said giving him a smile. However I wasn't fine, it felt like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest. "Gem, hey you are back." I heard Ford say. I looked up and I saw Gem by the door, he walked over to Ford and gave him a hug before saying "Hello Ai'Ford, so nice to see you again". P'Mark stood up to give Gem a hug and they exchanged greetings. I stood up and looked at Gem. "Ai"Fourth" in a soft tone and walked up to me, his eyes glistening and giving me the sweetest smile ever, oh how I missed that smile. "Gem..." I said as my voice cracked. He pulled me in to his arms and gave me a tight squeeze. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered "I missed you so much Gem." I felt like crying but I didn't want to worry anyone.
After the hug he smiled and looked at me with his hands still on my waist. "Are you done or do you still have more work? I can wait." He said. "I am done, we can go." I said. "Aw where are you guys going?" P'Mark asked. "Nosy" Gem replied as he held my wrist and led me outside to his car. It seemed like Gem was back to his old self. He was cheerful, and smiled brightly. I kept staring at him and was reminded again why I fell for him. He held on to my wrist until we got to his car. He opened the car door for me. "Thank you" I said and he nodded.
We got to the resturant and chose a table at the back just to have more privacy. "What do you wanna order?" He asked as he waived to the waitress towards us. "Just order me anything." I replied. "I will get us pork BBQ then." He said. I smiled and nodded. He put in order and turned towards me as soon as the waitress left. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "What are you smiling about?" I said trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. "I missed you Fourth." He replied with a smile. The prettiest smile I have ever seen. I tried so hard to hide the fact that I was shy and broke eye contact as I felt my ears turn red. "About that night, I am sorry." Gem said. "I am not sorry for kissing you. I am sorry for making you uncomfortable." He continued.
I looked at him and said, "I wasn't uncomfortable." then looked down at my hands as I was fidgeting with my fingers. "You left so suddenly and didn't answer my calls or reply to my texts though." He said. "I am sorry about that... it's not that I was uncomfortable Gem. I was just overwhelmed." I replied. He raised his eyebrows and asked "Overwhelmed? What do you mean by that?". I broke eye contact again and took a deep breath before I said, "Gem I like you, not in a way friends like each other but... I like you in a way lovers like each other." And I let out a huge breath out. "You like me?" Gem asked me. I nodded not daring to look at him. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath in. I felt his hand on my chin then he gently turned my head towards his direction. "Open your eyes and look at me Fourth." He said. I opened my eyes and I met with his face a few inches away from mine.
"You like me?" He asked again. I nodded, because for some reason words wouldn't come out of my mouth. "Use words Fourth" He said in almost a whisper this time. "I... I like you Gem." I said in a whisper as well. He leaned in closer and said "I like you too Fourth... can I kiss you?" I nodded. He leaned closer I could feel his warm breath on my lips, he lingered his lips a few centimeters away from mine for a few seconds as to tease me. Then I felt his lips on mine, soft and gentle. I kissed him back, his lips tasted sweet like cherries. I then remembered we were in public, and I pulled back and looked around. "We are in public Gem." I said. "Should we leave then?" He said with a smirk on his face. I jokingly tried to punch him on the shoulder, he held my hand and kissed it. I couldn't help but blush, my cheeks must have been red as tomatoes. "Gem..." I said. "I like you Fourth" He said while looking into my eyes.
Thank you for reading this chapter and being with me up to so far. I cannot wait GemFourth faen era. Will they make it work or will their work interfere with their love? 😆😅 your feedback is very much appreciated. 🌻🌞

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