Chapter 1

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'Khun Ashira can't act like a lazy person.'


‘Born as mother’s child, you started going to the school but still crying. What do you want when you grow up?'

'But I don't want to go na, Ja.'

‘I told you to go, so go. If Khun Ashira doesn't go...mother will take away the headphones that father bought for you!'


I opened my eyes in panic. The hands quickly searched all the thirty-three parts of the body. When I sensed it lying on the side of the pillow, I was relieved.

I haven't dreamed of Ja for a long time. Even though she comes in my dreams, she can’t arrive looking pretty. She always have to come like a devil to scare me. I don't know if she’s sitting at home complaining to my father or not, that's why I had a dream like this.

Ring. Ring.

The non-stop vibrating phone forced me to take my eyes off Red and focus on it instead. At first I thought I wouldn't care because I was still concerned about Red's safety. My favorite headphones that I have to carry with me all the time. But the caller didn’t show any signs of giving up and kept calling me like he was saying that if I didn't pick up, he wouldn't stop.  Finally, I couldn't help but turn to answer the call of the bastard who had called early in the morning. It was no one other than...

[I'm hungry] It's So, or his full name, Solo, my best friend.

“Would you be full if you tell me?” I asked my friend out of weariness. From the tone of his voice, probably his wife isn’t as touchy as he used to be. This kind of behavior is probably because he went away to work early in the morning.

[I’m under your dormitory. Come down and get me.]

Oh...can you cut the call like this?

I threw my phone on the bed and lay twisting lazily for a while. When I got out of the bed, I moved my body and slowly walked downstairs. The moment the door was opened, the first thing I saw was my best friend's kinked face. 

“Slow.” he complains.

“Come on…Why did you wake up so early? It's just six o'clock.” I yawned before beckoning him to follow me up to the room.

“I woke up at five in the morning and Guitar was no longer in my room. He only put a note saying, ‘Go out and find something to eat. Don't eat frozen food’.”

“And your ‘search for something to eat’ is to come to me...who can't cook instant noodles yet.” 

“I was bored in the room so I came to pick you up. Let's go eat at the university together.”

“Okay.” I agreed. It’s good so I don’t have to walk to the class.

If it's a year ago, don't expect him to pick me up. He would go to pick up and send off P’Gui, his boyfriend is the only one. This year, P’Gui goes to work by himself. So he was lonely, agreeing to cling to me instead even though he knew he had to pay.

What can I do...? My pocket money has been deducted. If I want to eat something expensive, I have to stick to him.

“Why don't you find a nice condo?” Ai’So continued to complain as soon as he entered the room. He made a messy face as he swept the pile of my blankets together on one side of the bed, then laid down without caring about anyone.

“It's closer. If I live in a condo, it's difficult to come to the collage. Don't forget that I can't drive.”

Actually, my dormitory is not that difficult. It is considered to be the closest and most comfortable dormitory in this area. The room is spacious and fully equipped. But compared to Ai’So’s room, it’s quite different. It's not strange that it feels like walking into the bathroom of the condo itself.

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