Chapter 14

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This is the third time staying overnight in P’Phu’s room. Today I have a new goal to achieve. That is, inviting P’Phu to go to the camp together. After an hour of cooking lesson, it was time to eat. I'm a bit sad that I didn’t get anything done on my own, but the good thing is…

P’Phu cooks super delicious food…I speak from the heart, it’s not blinding at all.

“You’re so handsome and also perfect in everything.” I said nonchalantly while looking at the perfect face of the person who is sitting with the laptop. I want to look for a few flaws on his body but I couldn't find any. 

“What's with you?” P'Phu made a face like he wanted to see where I was going with this, which in fact, didn't have anything to hide except for the thoughts that swirled in my head.

“You really suit me.” 

“I’m tired.”

“Do you want to take a break?” I patted the seat as a gesture to tell him to take a break.

“I'm tired of you.”

Hearing the answer, I laughed heartily because I had already guessed what he meant. But I said that because it would just help relieve the stress.

“P’Phu, do you have any plans to go anywhere after the exams?” I asked a quick question afraid that if I slow down, the free person would be busy again seeing that there’s too much work. No matter how many times we meet, he always has a laptop with him.

“Two weeks later?”

I nodded my head and looked at the phone screen that the speaker picked up. At first glance, I knew it was a schedule. But what I don't understand is why is it (schedule) so tight? If he isn’t famous, why do so many jobs?

“There's an event on Sunday.”

“A party?”

“Umm…the event of an acquaintance from England. He came to open a business here.”

I frowned my eyebrows, frustrated. Looking at his schedule, the three or four days I wanted, there was only one party he had told me that was blocking all the plans. That is, without it, P’Phu would be free without a doubt.

A party (banquet)... the banquet must be in the evening, right? 

“P’Phu, do you want to go on a trip with me? with the music faculty?” I invite straight forwardly, not indirectly. I wait for him to look up from the screen to continue. “We are going to do some activities together. It's kind of like accepting juniors. But it's more like going on a trip.”

“How many days?”

“Three days and two nights.” 

“Friday, Saturday, Sunday?”


“I have work.” he repeated.

“The work is at night, isn’t it? We’ll be back in time about this, if you go on a trip with me, I’ll promise to come to the party as a friend.” I patted myself to confirm my words.

“Have you asked me if I want a friend?”

“Or do you want a boyfriend...? I'm willing.” I smiled and pretended to twist as if I was embarrassed (shy). And the next second, I was hit on the forehead by the palm of the fierce faced man so loudly that I had to raise my hand to stroke my forehead.

“If it's a place I've never been to, I'll think about it.”



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