Chapter 13

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It's been a week since the day I went to sleep in P’Phu’s room. It's a bit of a shame that I fell asleep first so I couldn’t beg him to sleep in the same bed, but I think it's worth it to know more about him.

I used to think why people whose lover is a little far away, act like they are going to die? Until the second before, I still thought the same. In addition, I have nothing to do with him either but not able to see each other's face for a whole week is a bit too much. Even if it's because I'm so busy practicing music and playing sports that I don't have time to visit him. P’Phu seemed to be working so hard that he could hardly rest. It's good that he reads my Line every day. Even if we don't talk to each other, the one sticker that is sent can extend my life for days.

A fat rabbit sticker…

I hypnotized myself from day one to overlook what it was, thinking that I was glad he replied, that's enough. Thankfully, it seems to be working better than expected...I'm happy every time he sends that fat rabbit sticker.

“Are you ready, Ai’Kao?”

“Not ready.”

“Ahh! What is with you? We will compete in twenty minutes.” Brother James, who came after me to watch the swimming competition, scratched his head. He had a towel in his hand which I can use later I get into the pool.

“I’m suddenly lazy.” I said and lay down on the athlete’s chair, both tired and fed up. I'm too lazy to swim. 

“Hang in there. It’s just a one-day swim. It ends today and you don't have to compete anymore...if people don’t fall short.”

Well, it’s the thing he said at the end of the sentence which makes me more frustrated!

Today was the day I had a solo swim competition after three days of training. But because there was a football match at the same time, people scattered around. Most of the people would be busy in the field because today we have to compete against the faculty of education, which is famous in almost every sport. Also, the news that the second year Ai’So would also participate, was spreading. I don't know where they got the news from. He’s actually on the field but as a backup. If no one gets hurt, he won't go down to play anyway. As for me, I have Brother James who came to help me with a few other cheering groups.

I'm not happy at all...because the person I've been waiting for didn’t show up.

“I want to meet.”


“Yes.” I answered the voice slowly and rolled around in the chair.

“Did you tell him?” Brother James asked, handing me a candy. 

“I did...I said there’s a competition.”

“And what did he answer?”

“A fat rabbit sticker.” I opened my mouth before I took the candy and put it in my mouth in frustration.

“Uh...what's wrong with the sticker?”

“It’s a fat rabbit sticker.” I repeat and meant exactly what I said. “Just a fat rabbit, it doesn't mean anything.”

A fat, round, stupid rabbit with a straight face, which is not saying ‘yes’ or does not have a caption saying ‘okay’ or whatever.

“Why don’t you try saying hi again?”

“I said hello and he sent me the same sticker.”

“Call him.”

“I’ve already done a lot of chats and calls, it’s annoying.”

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