Chapter 7

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“What are you doing?”

I pretend not to hear the annoying sound of some dog that had just walked into the classroom. He realized that he probably wouldn’t get an answer, so he sat down next to me and leaned forward to look at the phone screen that I was using.

“What's this schedule (time table)?” 


“Did your father pay for the phone bill?”


“You still do not quit.” Ai’So laughed lightly, then reached out and rubbed my head. Seeing that he didn't get any response, he shrugged his shoulders before lying down on the table as usual. 

Having said that, I'm still irritated. He knew very well that I didn't like rabbits. And he also knows that when it comes to P’Phu, I will not be able to keep up (about his likes and dislikes) and always forget to use my brain to think about it. But he still tricked me. Turns out P'Phu didn't say a word that he liked it, he just saw me like one. But it was me who offered to be a rabbit for him. It's all because of this bastard dog.


After that, let me give him a slap.

“Why did you hit my head?” 

Ai’So’s sleepy eyes looked up at me. He sat up and rubbed his head, his sleepy face didn't look upset but instead smiled brightly when he saw how twisted my face was.

“Do you want it again?”

“Keep it for yourself.”

“Go to sleep.” I waved my hand to chase him away before I turned to concentrate on my phone again. 

“I’m not sleeping, so what?”

I squinted my eyes at the wayward person on the side. At first, I was going to ignore him but when I was hit on my shoulder, it started to become unbearable that I had to turn around to answer and cut off the annoyance.

“I’m making a lifestyle plan schedule.” Ask me again and I'll hit you in the head.

“Do you have to make a schedule like that?” Ai’So made a puzzled face, pointed his head out to look at my phone to obtrude. I handed it over so it could be over.

I thought he will atleast help me get closer to P’Phu. Otherwise, don't expect me to just be quiet like this. If his teasing and being nosy won't help anything, he must have slept in the hospital today instead of sitting next to me.

“Study, practice music, exercise…exercise?” So looked up from the phone and turned to frown at me. “A face like yours would do exercise? Even during sports event, seniors have to drag you out to join them, right?”

“I was busy.” I complained and pulled my phone back.

“And the day and time you to go see Phu, do you have to put it in the schedule as well?”

“Well, I said it’s a lifestyle plan schedule. Whatever I do, I have to note it all in.” I looked down at the plan in my hand with a smile. After secretly asking for P’Phu's class schedule from a friend, things became easier and I was able to live a normal life with the plan of right time to meet him.

The frustrating thing is that I had to add more time to exercise as well. I gained weight by not being able to stop eating. Ja says whatever makes you happy, just do it. So I won't compromise my happiness by completely avoiding to eat, but will increase the suffering by exercising instead. This should be fair to myself.

“Your plan is to go see Phu every day, isn't it?” Ai’So made a mocking sound while his face remained still.

“Well, he's a part of my life.”

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