Chapter 9

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I woke up because of the cold…

The air in the room was so cold that I forced my eyelids to open slowly. But just a little movement of my body caused me so much pain that I could barely hold back my voice. I tightened the blanket that covered my body and curled up to reduce the pain. The light emanating from outside through the blackout curtains shows that it must be morning now.

Because I haven't eaten since last night, I feel hungry and my intestines are twisted. I thought about forcing myself to sit up. But stuck in the slightest movement of the hand, it touches someone.

P’Phu is still sitting in the same place!

I pretended to keep my eyes closed not forgetting to move a little as if I was uncomfortable lying down which, of course, had to move by getting closer to him.

“Did you get it?” A low voice spoke up in English. He was probably talking on the phone with someone.

“I ordered you about this yesterday evening. What’s taking you so long?”

Yesterday it’s probably the time when they wounded me, that’s when P’Phu was doing something in his notebook.

“I don't care whose descendants they are. Just send me the information in half an hour.”  His irritated voice must have caused the person at the other end of the line to be quite frightened. Because if it were me, I would have been terrified too.

After saying that sentence, P’Phu was silent for a while. I think he should have hung up. But a few minutes later, the phone rang again.

“Very good, go ahead and let me know.”

What's so good? I want to know too.

“What kind of idiot pretends to be asleep but frowns?” 

I opened my eyes and stared at the familiar. There’s no reason to continue when he already knows, and it seems that he already knew it from the beginning.

“I don't want to bother you when you are on the phone.” I replied with a straight face to which P’Phu looked back as if he was looking at someone shameless. He reached out and poked the wound in the corner of my mouth without standing up again.

“Ouch... it hurts.”

“Before you cry, how about adjusting your facial expression to look really hurt?”

I forgot…I guess I’m starving so my face looks dead. But that little poke just now really hurts.

“I’m so hungry that the face looks frozen.”  I rubbed my hand on my stomach and sat up on my knees, staring at P’Phu with a twinkle in my eyes to tell him what I wanted.

“Go find something to eat in the kitchen.” 

“I don't know how to cook.”

“Then, that day you made.” P’Phu raised a curious eyebrow. He wouldn't understand why I said I couldn't do it when the pork porridge that day was delicious.

“That one, P’Gui, guided me in every step of the recipe...and now I want to eat chicken rice and iced green tea...”

“In conclusion, do you want to go out to eat?”


“The car keys are on the table.” P’Phu pointed towards the table next to the door. But I still sat and watched him not moving until the person being looked at slightly frowned, before continuing in an emotionless tone. “Don't tell me you can't drive.”

“I can't.”

As soon as I finished speaking, P’Phu raised his hand and massaged his temples. He looked so serious that I wanted to ask if he was okay.

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