Chapter 12

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There are a few things that make me languid. For example, right now I'm trembling because of the cold, on the edge of the pool as I’m being punished by a scolding person to stand and repent. Actually, it’s not like he ordered it. But just seeing P'Phu look at me with his eyes as if to say 'Hurry up and do something right now!' I chose to climb out of the pool and put my hands in front of me and bowed my head to look pitiful as a self-punishment.

P’Phu still stood in the pool looking at me with fierce eyes without saying a word. In the background, the seniors and juniors, including Ai’So, were laughing on the other side. But when I thought about opening my mouth to curse them, I was met with the gray eyes of the person. I could only shut up and keep my head down.

I just feel upset even though I didn't get a word of cursing today...

“Look at him... is he shaking because of the cold or because of fear?”

“P’Phu is awesome. He can turn this bastard into a tamed kitten.”

“What damn cat! I said that it’s (I’m) a rabbit.”

“Okay, you are also a baby rabbit.”

I can only bite my trembling lips so I don't accidentally yell at them. Now, besides teasing me non-stop, he also dares to drink alcohol while playing cards with a straight face. I didn't think it would help at all. That's not enough, he also has a face to walk out to pick up the shirt and invite others to buy more alcohol. Even P’Gui and Ai’So went with him. Look, I knew you'll bounce!

This vengeful account, I’ve already written it down in my heart...there will be a chance to repay it.

But now... it's so cold.

I had to release my hand in the front and lifted up to hug myself because I started to tremble more than before. I want to jump into the water to know that I will survive so that I can get rid of the cold. But when I saw someone still staring at me and not moving, I had to stand still. 

“P’Phu…” I called in a soft voice because I couldn't stand it. But when I saw the owner of the name sigh, I was so upset that I had to lower my head again.

“Come down.”


I was just playing a little. You say it again, I promise to jump down quickly.

“Stubborn.” Then the person in the water walked to the edge of the pool. A strong hand grabbed my wrist and pulled it all at once until my body was blown away by the force because I was not aware of it. 


“Cough, cough.” I quickly scrambled out of the water and coughed hard because I wasn’t holding my breath. Accidentally drank water completely until the throat hurts, the nose hurts all over. After setting myself up, I hurriedly raised my head to look at the person who started the story with his eyes oblivious. But it’s enough to see who it was…

“You're teasing me.” The voice immediately softened.

“It’s because you're stubborn.”

Now my face is less than one palm away from P’Phu. One arm was still held by him, while the coldness just a moment ago had completely faded away. I don't know if it was because I entered the water or because I was warmed by the body of the person standing in front of me.

“At first, didn’t you look like you were looking for trouble?”

Still dare to say it again.

“You make a face like this, who would dare…”

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