Chapter 4:

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Minji's POV:

It was early Saturday morning and I don't feel like getting out of bed (I never do). I had to get up though so that I could shower and not have greasy hair for when I'm meeting Hanni.

In all honestly yesterday absolutely wiped me, I'm still absolutely shattered. I still can't get over the fact that she caught me holding her underwear and also the fact that her brother was flirting with me. Could he not see that I'm obviously gay?

Once I had got out of the shower I put on a black lace cami top with my black cargo pants with white stitches, paired with my dr martens. And not to forget my signature eyeliner, the trick is to use brown and not black for the wing of your eyeliner.


"Hey so what is the plan for today?" I asked.

Hanni replied, "I think we should just like vibe and put some music on."

Hanni's room was nicely decorated, she had a range of posters covering her plain white wall. In the centre of her room she had a double bed with white duvet covers. Overall her room was bright and tidy.

"So how did yesterday go with your sworn enemy?"

"She isn't my sworn enemy." I stated.

Well technically she is. I mean who wouldn't hate that perfect little princess. Ugh she angers me so much.

"I beg to differ. Anyway how did it go?"

"It went alright, I mean nothing significant happened." well apart from the fact she caught me holding her underwear, still not exactly sure why I feel guilty about that though, "we actually completed most of the powerpoint."

"Nothing happened??"

How the hell does she know that I'm lying.

"Actually her brother came in and I think he was flirting with me. Which was odd considering that I thought I give off very strong gay vibes."

"Maybe he just wants to fuck you because you're so sexy," she joked.

"Enough about me, how's Yeonjun?" I asked
Yeonjun was the same age as us, he used to go to our school till year 7 then he moved away but he came back again near the end of year 10.

"Well I the thing is, we are kinda seeing each other."

"You mean you're dating him?" I said in shock because I never thought anyone would be able to put up with her, I struggle enough as her friend let alone her boyfriend.

"Yes" she said whilst blushing.

"Ahhhhhh," I screamed, "Slay Queen."

"Jeez calm down we are going to take it slow, I think."

In all honestly I was excited for Hanni because she deserves someone to make her happy. Also when she gives me relationship advice it will be from experience and not a random guess.

"Don't worry you will find someone too."

I replied, "Nah I'm good thanks."


I just glared at her whilst she was almost dying from laughter. It was not funny. I would never date her, you have to like someone to date them and I don't even like her as a person.

"IT COULD BE LIKE SOME ENEMIES TO LOVERS STORY FROM WATTPAD." she said between her fits of laughter.

I was not amused.


Haerin's POV:

"Hey little Sis."

"Hello Jin." I said unenthusiastically.

"Is that friend of yours coming over today?" he asked with a smirk plastered over his thin lips.


"Personally I think you should ask her to come over." he said, with his smirk still stretched out on his face.

I didn't say anything and got up from the living room upstairs to my bedroom.

Should I invite her over? No, no, no. What am I thinking? What would we even do? What would I even say?

But before I could stop myself, I already texted her:

Me: Hey do you wanna come over later?
Minji: Sorry I'm with Hanni right now another time tho?
Me: Okay.

She's always with Hanni. At school they are like glued to each other, you see one and the other isn't far away. It's freaky.


She wouldn't tell Hanni that I asked her to come over. Ugh. That is so embarrassing.


Minji's POV:

"Nah, Hanni, guess who just texted me."


"Non other than the devil herself."

"What did she say?" she asked.

"She wanted to know if I could go over later."


"I said no because I'm hanging out with you obviously."

"Are you dumb..." umm yeah"Girl this was your chance."

"Chance for what?" I asked because I was curious but could you blame me?

"To rail her obviously."

"Girl, I think not."

Does this bitch really think I'm ready to have sex with someone? Ready to let someone see me naked? And anyway did I forget to mention that she is MY ENEMY?

"Well your loss."

"What do you mean my loss, she has a boyfriend."

"Yeah, one that cheats on her."

Wait what. She's getting cheated on? She may be the devil but no one deserves that. I bet she doesn't even know.

"He does what?"


Well he was held back a year so he is 17 but that is disgusting.

"Does she know?" I asked.

"Of course not you noodle."

We proceeded to talk about other irrelevant things, until it was time for me to go home.

Once home all I could think about was Haerin, I didn't want to but the whole getting cheated on thing is not fair. Even if I think she deserves to get ran over by a bus. The thing is do I tell her or not because I know the right thing to do is tell her but I don't know if it's my place to tell her. What if she doesn't believe me?


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