Chapter 8:

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Haerin's POV:

I must have been sat on my bathroom floor for hours now as the light outside my window slowly faded away and turned to darkness. My eyes were red and puffy, sore from crying. I haven't moved from my spot, I haven't got changed, I haven't eaten. All I could do was think about her. How she kissed me. How she looked at me. How she left me.

I have never liked anyone the way I liked Minji. I never really liked to admit the fact that I like her. Deep down I always knew that there was something off, a part of her that she would never show to anyone.

Once I had calmed myself down a bit, I decided to get downstairs to the kitchen. I found a tub of cookie dough ice cream and then went back up to my bedroom to watch the wilds, my comfort show.

After a while I finally fell asleep, trying to avoid dreaming of Minji.


Minji's POV:


I kissed her. She kissed me back. We kissed.

I left...

God I'm so stupid. Why did I leave? I like her, I really like her. She's more than just a crush, and that kiss. I- it was good, really good. Good as in those cheesy romance films where fireworks go off in the background, that is what it felt like.

But I had to go and ruin it like I always fucking do.

I'm currently outside on a random street, I have no idea where I am. I ran as far and as fast as I could away from her. I can't ruin her.

I can't just leave.


It was the next day and all I could think about was her, Haerin.


"I didn't mean to leave her I just you know, freaked out." I said sheepishly.

"So what are you going to do now exactly?"

"I- I don't know. Things will most likely just go back to how they were."

"Enemies? God Minji, you are so stupid. You could have had something with her, I saw the way you two looked at each other."

"Yeah I know but I can't exactly do anything about it now, what's done is done."

"Give her some time and some space. She is probably just as freaked out as you are by this whole situation."

"How long will that be exactly?" I asked nervously.

"I'm not sure but just give her about a month. I'm not guaranteeing that she will not be angry at you though, she might hate you more now."

I don't even know if I can wait a whole damn month.


A month has passed and we still haven't spoken to one another. I'm not really sure how I'm going to go about it but it's going to have to be good for her to like me again.


Haerin's POV:

I haven't spoken to Minji is a month but it shouldn't be me to talk first, should it? It wasn't exactly me who walked out without saying goodbye or even taking a second to glance back.

Even in school we don't talk, not even snarky remarks like we used to do, just occasional glances. I swear she could read me like a book with those glances, she would look me directly in the eyes but not speak a word. It still hurt me slightly to look at her but I think I have forgiven her. I mean maybe she was just freaked out a little, I know I was.

I was in the canteen with my so called mates when Minji walked up to me.


She didn't say anything but instead stood there and with her head mentioned for me to get up and follow her.

"I don't know why you hang out with those snakes."

I missed her voice.

"I don't exactly have anyone else these days." I stated, glaring at her, trying to not give away how I was truly feeling even though she probably already knew.

We stopped walking and sat on a bench outside. It wasn't particularly cold today but there was a slight wind which kept blowing her hair into her face, which amused me slightly.

"So you are probably wondering why I want to talk to you" she said.

Not really. I know exactly what this is going to be about. I was there for heavens sake. It happens in my bloody house. I spent endless nights fucking crying about it so yes I do know why you want to talk to me. I thought to myself.

"I have an idea."

"I want to start off with I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did-"

"You regret it?" I blurted out.

"No I umm no I don't regret the umm kiss. I just want to apologise for walking out on you."

"WALKING OUT ON ME. YOU FUCKING LEFT ME THERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT. YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE." My eyes were starting to fill up with tears at this point.

"I know, I know, I just freaked out."

Freaked out? She kissed me, why the hell would she freak out?

"I spent nights crying myself to sleep over you. All I could think about was you. All I CAN think about is you. Your like a little parasite that has made its way into my brain, eating away my flesh, making me weak."

Shit. Did I just tell her she makes me weak?

"You then went and proceeded to not talk to me for a whole month. A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH. How exactly did you think that would make me feel?"

She looked down. "I thought that I should give you some time to process what happened as well."

"But I don't need to process anything. I want..." I stopped, I couldn't finish that sentence.

"What do you want?" she asked me, this time looking into my eyes.

"You." I whispered.

She looked slightly taken aback but I mean who wouldn't, I guess I can be slightly straight forward sometimes.

"I also want-"

But before she could tell me she got interrupted by my 'friends'. Ugh they are so annoying.

"Eww, why the hell are you talking to her. Anyway we are skipping P.E, are you coming?" asked Hyein.

Before I could answer, they were already dragging me out of school.



kpopstan4everbtc forced me to update 😔.
Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter<3.

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