Chapter 13:

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Minji's POV:

I was exhausted yet lifted. I felt like I was floating, like nothing could touch me, like nothing could get to me. Apart from her.

It was getting late and Haerin had fallen asleep in my arms but I didn't know whether I was meant to stay over or not.

I decided that I should leave.

I slid my arm out from beneath Sleeping Beauty and quietly put my clothes on, trying not to wake to wake the sleeping princess. Making my way to the door, I turned around to say goodbye before I left.

"Sweet dreams." I whispered.

I tried to close the door quietly so that I wouldn't wake her up. Luckily for me I managed to wake someone else up.


"Why are you leaving without saying goodbye?"

"Oh umm sorry, bye."

He pulled me into a hug, his cheap after shave intoxicated my nostrils. I pulled away.

"I guess I will see you next week, same time." he said sheepishly.

Jin confuses me because everyone thinks that he is some tuff guy who just uses girls but after today, even though we didn't talk much, I could tell that he was the complete opposite.


Haerin's POV:

I stretched my arm out to the other side of my bed to pull Minji into me, with my eyes still closed. There was no one there. I sat up sharply looking around my room frantically for her but there was no sign. I thought to myself 'maybe she just went downstairs for some breakfast'. I walked downstairs but she was nowhere to be found.

Then I remembered that Minji doesn't eat breakfast.

Had she really left me again? I thought we had moved past everything last time.

My mind flickered back to the night we had. Unconsciously I bit my lower lip just by thinking of the time we spent together.

I need to call her.


She picked up on the second ring, "hey is everything alright?" she asked innocently.

"Umm no, you left me again."

"I didn't me-"

I cut her off. "You can't just leave when your emotions get too much for you, it doesn't work that way. I have feelings for you and you don't." I could feel myself choking back my tears.

"You have feelings for me?"

"Yes for fuck sake, when do you even listen to me?"

"Do you want to go on a date?"


"Do you want to go on a date with me Friday night?" she asked calmly.

AHHHHHHH. SHE ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE. Pull yourself together Haerin.

"Umm yes, that would be nice." I said trying to keep my cool whilst I'm internally screaming.

"I'll pick you up at around 7."

"I'll see you then, bye."

"Goodbye, Haerin."

And just like that I forgot why I was mad at her in the first place.


It was the night of the date and I'm so excited. I decided to wear a baby blue satin dress that barely covered my arse. I matched it with silver jewellery and left my long brown hair down but slightly curled.


She is here.

I opened the door excitedly. Only to come face to face with Danielle.

Does this bitch ever piss off?

"Hey Danielle, what are you doing here?" I asked awkwardly.

"Well you weren't answering my calls and texts so I thought I would come by to see if everything is alright, by the way the dress really suits you."

"Oh umm thanks but I have somewhere to be, maybe we could do this another time?"

"Why do you have a date or something?" she asked trying to make a joke.

"I- umm" I stuttered. "Yes."

"Oh in that case I'll leave, sorry for the inconvenience."

She turned around only to come face to face with Minji who was holding flowers.

She got me flowers.

"Hi, Danielle" she said glancing over Danielle's shoulder to find my eyes.

"Sorry I was just leaving. Have a nice time on your date."

With that she left. Leaving me and Minji face to face, she was so beautiful. She was wearing a plain black body-con dress which complemented her figure.

"I got you these." I quickly placed them inside before I locked the door.

She opened the door of the taxi for me before closing it and getting in round the other side. So she's bf material huh.

I just knew tonight was going to be special.


Minji's POV:

I have never been on a date before but I wanted this to be special. I have only ever seen dates in movies and they always looked really romantic. I decided to go to an italian restaurant(original I know).

The taxi finally reached our destination and I got out first and walked around to open Haerin's door.

"I am perfectly capable of opening a car door myself" she giggled.

"I know but I wanted to." I said linking our arms together.

Once seated we ordered our meals, I ordered a carbonara and Haerin ordered spinach ravioli.

"Hey" we both said at the same time.

"Sorry, I have never been on a real date." she said.

"Not even with Niki?" I asked.


"Well I will make sure we go on dates all the time but only if you want to."

"I would love that." she said blushing slightly.

"I haven't actually been on any type of date either, don't tell anyone." I said honestly.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me." she laughed.

Her laugh was like music to my ears.

The date went really well I thought. It was mostly just small talks but I learnt a lot about Haerin and why her parents are almost never around. She talked about her brother, even though I didn't care about him I still paid attention but not about what she was saying but just to her.

Once we finished our meals and split the bill we made our way outside to the taxi.

"I would like to do this again." she said.

"I would be honoured to take you out again."

The taxi reached her house first and I walked her to the door.

"I had a nice time." she said giving me a peck on the cheek.

"I'll call you." I shouted as I ducked my head to get back into the taxi.



First date 🤭.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter<3.

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