Chapter 7:

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Haerin's POV:

"So are you going to welcome her in?" said Jin, startling me.

"Oh umm yeah, come in Minji." I said whilst I blushed remembering a part of my dream from last night.

We walked to the kitchen to grab a couple of drinks and snacks before we made it up to my room. I know that I said we would be celebrating but we are just going to watch a film instead.

"Which film would you like to watch?" I asked.

"I don't mind whatever you want to watch."

We finally decided to watch Luca. I was laying down on my bed and Minji was sitting up on my bed watching the film.

The film was about half way through, I think, I haven't been paying attention to it, when Minji decided to lay down next to me.

Oh God she's so pretty. Her long straight hair was slicked back. Her dark brown eyes. That's when I realized those same eyes were looking directly onto mine.

"Got a good look princess?"

"I- I umm" my cheeks flushed with a deep red shade.

She returned back to watching the film. Had I really been staring at her for that long?

"They are definitely gay. Just look at them." she stated, pointing towards Luca and Alberto.

"Definitely," I agreed with her.

I mean just the way they talk to each other and ways to find time to spend with each other. For example excuses to be together, like 'celebrating for getting a grade 9'. Wait, that didn't happen in the film?


Minji's POV:

I have never seen this film before but it's actually a pretty good one. I tend to watch real films and not cartoons.

Neither of us talked much during the film, but I noticed that she wasn't really paying much attention to the film but more to me.

As the film was getting to the end, Haerin had fallen asleep. Her arms slowly wrapped around me as if they were meant to be there.


Okay. Okay. All I have to do is stay calm and just stay still, it's not as if it's rocket science. Ugh, where do I put my arms? Do I just place them around her?

As Haerin fell into deeper sleep, her breathing became a soothing rhythm. Which slowly but surely caused me to also drift into a deep sleep.


Haerin's POV:

I swear I just had the strangest dream(wouldn't be the first time), that I fell asleep in Minji's arms.

My eyes fluttered open.

It wasn't a dream.

Shit, what do I do? Do I just play it off and go back to sleep?

As I became more awake, I noticed that Minji also had her arms around me and that it wasn't just me holding onto her. She looked so peaceful as she slept.

Brain, stop that.

OH NO. She's awake.

"Oh umm sorry." she apologized, even though I have no idea what she is apologising for.

I stared at her blankly and confused.

Minji mentioned with her eyes to how close we are to each other. I quickly moved myself to my side of the bed away from her arms, losing the sense of warmth that she provided.

"It's fine." I stated.

It's really not fine though. I knew that I kinda liked her more than a friend but to fall asleep in her arms, no that's something. We are meant to be enemies, not lovers, my life isn't a story book.(A/N: believe what you want ig🤷🏻‍♀️.)

I looked over towards my alarm clock realising that it is 11:00 am. I never sleep in this late. I decided that I should go and get changed and shower.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I hear her say from behind me whilst I'm changing.

I turn around to face her in just my underwear, whilst my wet hair is dripping down my back. I have no idea where this boost of confidence came from.

"It's okay."

I waited for a reply but she said nothing, she just stared. I followed her gaze down to my boobs. Was she really looking at my boobs right now? I'm not complaining but still. I coughed trying to get her  attention. She looked up at me her cheeks filled with a rosey pink.

"I- I'm sorry"

"Stop apologising-"

"Oh okay." she said interrupting me.

"Stop apologising," I said again, "and just do what you want."


And with that, she took a step closer. I could feel her hot breath on my face, we were so close I swear that she could probably hear my heart beating. She didn't move, so I thought it was probably okay to touch her face. Her skin was as soft as it looked, white and smooth. My eyes on her, hers on me, and both of us breathing, watching, tired of waiting. Minji closed her eyes, but mine are still open. I want to close my eyes, but I don't trust her not to leave me standing here. Finally, I closed my eyes, her lips capturing mine. She kissed me slowly and gently. The world around me crumpled into oblivion as our lips moved in sync. I don't know whether we have been kissing for 5 minutes or 5 hours. All I know is that no one exists around us. She kissed me long and soft, and when she pulled away, she touched my bottom lip with her thumb. Then she left me there standing speechless by myself in my bathroom. She didn't even say goodbye...




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