Chapter 14:

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Minji's POV:

I have been seeing Haerin for nearly three months now and if I'm being honest I'm really starting to fall for her but I don't want her to think I'm some freak who falls in love with the first girl that is nice to her, even though that's exactly what happened. We haven't made anything official yet so I still don't really know what we are but we are definitely something.

I am going to hers as usual to get ready for the new year's eve party. I don't really have many clothes at my house so when we're going out she normally lets me borrow her clothes.

I knocked on the door waiting for her to answer but instead it was Jin.

"Oh hey Jin."

"Hi Minji you seem to be getting close with my little sister, are you not?" he replied in an overly protective brother tone.

"Yeah I guess."

"Hey Minji!" screamed Haerin as she came running to the door to save me from her brother.

She engulfed me in a tight hug. Her smile, her smell, her voice will never get old. Every time she manages to take my breath away.

Grabbing me by my wrist she dragged me upstairs into her bedroom before locking her bedroom door.

We haven't actually had sex since that first night months ago because I think we are taking it slowly but honestly I wouldn't mind picking up the pace a little bit.

She pushed me against her wall, her hands making their way under my shirt, giving me shivers down my spine. I connected our lips, wanting more. But sure enough she pulled away.

"We've got to get ready for the party." she said panting, trying to catch her breath back.

"I knowwwwww but can't we just make out a little longerrrr." I whined.

"We have to get ready otherwise we will be late." she stated.

"You know you're hot when you tell me what to do." I said winking.

She rolled her eyes in response.

"Here put this on."

"But I don't want to wear this." I frowned.

"Stop being such a pain in the ass and put the jeans on."

"How about you let these in your ass to ease the pain?" I said, lifting up two of my fingers.

"Minji I'm not in the mood for this, we are going to be late."

"Ugh, fine." I responded.


I don't remember whose party it was that we are at right now but it got to be one of Haerin's friends because this house is massive. The music was loud but not too loud that you couldn't hear people next to you gossiping.

"I'm just going to go find Hyein." said Haerin down my ear.

I nodded in response, I mean I don't really want to be left alone at some random stranger's party. So I started moving through the sweaty bodies to try and find Hanni, considering she is my only friend.

I finally found her talking to one of her hoes, Kai, I think that's what his name is.

"Do you mind if I steal her." I asked but before he could answer I had already grabbed her hand and was dragging her into the kitchen where it was quieter.

"Sooooo how's it going with miss lover girl?" she asked.

"Don't say it like that it sounds weird."

"Oh okay." she rolled her eyes.

"Well I really love her, like really really love her."

"Well no shit sherlock."

"I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight but I'm starting to rethink it because I don't know, I'm just freaking out." I blurted out.

"Are you sure she wants this?"

"Ugh I don't know like I want to move faster with her but she always turns me down."

"Here have this, it might help calm your nerves." she said handing me a small white pill," just relax I mean you have been seeing each other for a while now so you might as well try to make it official."

I looked down at the white pill in my hand, which I assume was molly, debating whether I should take it or not.

Fuck it.


Haerin's POV:

As I was talking to Hyein I couldn't help but let my mind wonder, thinking about Minji. I don't really know where she went, I thought she would come with me but she probably went to find Hanni.

I felt two familiar hands snake around my waist, I instantly knew who it was.

"Now if you will excuse us, we need to talk." she said directly to Hyein but something was off.

She led me over to a quiet corner but she wouldn't look me in my eyes.

"Hey," I said lifting her chin up with my finger, "look at me."

Her eyes lifted up to mine except they weren't her eyes, she was on something.

"Minji, tell me what you took." I demanded, still searching for her in her eyes.

"I- I Hanni." she stuttered, trying to keep herself upright.

I moved my hands to hold her so she wouldn't fall, I wasn't going to let anything happen to her. Unlike Hanni who decided to give her FUCKING DRUGS, like it's not even weed, I'm pretty sure she took molly.

"I'm going to take you home okay, baby." I whispered to her gently.


Once we made it back to mine, I laid her down on my bed. I then removed her clothes that I let her borrow before slipping her into an old oversized t-shirt of mine.

I'm going to fucking kill Hanni tomorrow.

I went to go brush my teeth and sort myself out before I got into bed. All I could think about was why would Minji agree to take it in the first place. Was there something wrong?

Once I got into bed, I felt Minji stir slightly as she adjusted her arms around me.

"Goodnight, Minji." I whispered.

"I love you." she whispered.



That's it for this chapter, hope you enjoyed it <3.

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