Chapter 10:

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Minji's POV:

This Monday literally couldn't get any worse. It's raining(yes I hate rain when I have to go out in it) and I have got detention for biology, all because I can't find my stupid book meaning that I didn't have my homework with me. Ugh.

I went to the toilets to clear my head a bit. I never normally have to do this because my head is swarming with thoughts about Haerin. We kissed once, it's not as if she owes any loyalty to me. For all I care is that she san fuck whoever she likes.

Once I opened the door leading to the restroom, I froze.

There she was. Haerin.

Except she was face to face with Danielle the snake.

They were standing so close to each other that not even a tiny piece of thread could fit between them. I could feel the anger fuming off of me.


Haerin's POV:

Her breath was hot against my face, she took a step forward so I took one back, until she cornered me into the cubicle. Oh God.

"Fancy seeing you here."

Well it is the school's restroom, dipshit.

"Haha," I laughed awkwardly, "yeah."

"Urm maybe another time yeah?" I lied.

"Of course, I'll go round yours later."

"Sorry I'm actually busy later."

Can she not take the hint already?

She stepped aside, letting me pass. I thought that we were alone but I heard the door close. There she stood, Minji. She must have seen this whole interaction and hopefully she heard me turning down Danielle but by the look on her face she didn't. Her eyes began to fill up with tears as she spun on her heels to leave.

"Minji wait." I reached out grabbing her hand.

"No, Haerin I'm not a part of your silly little game." her voice broke part way through her sentence as she tried to hold her tears back.

And with that she left. Again.

"What the hell was that all about?" Danielle asked from behind me.

I turned to face her "No, what the hell was THAT all about." I asked mentioning towards her.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Do you really think that I'm into you? The answer is no. I have never liked you in that way and I never will."

"Oh" she stated looking down at the ground.

Okay maybe I had been a little harsh but can you blame me?

"I've got to go." she said as she scurried out, like the little rat she is.

I turned to face the mirror yet I couldn't bear to look at myself. All I felt was disappointment is myself even though I didn't mean for any of this to happen.


Minji's POV:

My eyes were streaming with tears. I'm never normally like this, well recently I am but I never used to, it's all because of her.

If I'm being honest I tend to believe pretty much all the rumours yet I have never seen any evidence proving that they are real. I was really hoping that it was a lie or that she was drunk or high or something, even though I knew that she would never do that. Yet seeing them together just confirmed my worst nightmare.

I know that she owes me nothing but in a way I thought that we connected slightly. I thought she wanted me and only me.

But I guess I was wrong.


It was the next day and I went to Hanni's house after school even though she doesn't particularly like doing things on a school night she was bored.

"Well I guess you were right." I said.

"Right about what exactly?" she asked.

"About Haerin and Danielle."

"Well when am I ever wrong."

I rolled my eyes. "I just don't know what to do about her, I like her but we just mess each other around all the time and I'm tired of it." I admitted.

"Maybe you should play the game then."


"You know get her back? I know what you should do."

"What?" I asked.

" Didn't you say that her brother was kinda into you? Well you should get with him."

Eww. What the fuck? Honestly I had totally forgotten about that little freak.

"Aren't you forgetting that I like girls?"



I spent the rest of the week waiting to see if he would accept my friend request on snapchat, he finally did on Friday. To my surprise he actually texted me first but I expect that he always tried to be a 'gentleman' by texting first.

Jin: Hey Minji it's about time you came round.

Why is he so forward?

Me: yhyh i know it's just that u have been on my mind constantly.

I literally threw up in my mouth a little whilst typing those words.

Jin: So do you want to come over to mine this weekend?

Me: yhyh sure

Damn, he does move quickly. I thought that I would have to work a little harder for him to like me.

I'm not entirely sure how this is going to play out but I know it's going to end badly, even though I really want to see how it turns out.


Haerin's POV:

I just hope that Minji can forgive me, even though it wasn't my fault.

"Hey Haerin," Hyein said trying to get my attention, "did you hear that your brother is trying to make a move on Minji."

I'm never the one for gossips but this did annoy me more than it should. I mean I know what he's like, how when he sees something new and shiny he wants it. I also him and that ones he's done with his new toy he will just go looking for a new one, even better one to play with, leaving his old fling behind the bin.

"No but it doesn't really bother me. I mean I do hate her and he will use her so she will get what's coming for her." I lied, it does bother me.




Soooo I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter<3.

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