Chapter 9:

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Minji's POV:

There are so many things I wanted to tell her at this moment.

But I can't.

Not here. Not now.

I want it to be perfect because she is perfect.

I have thought about all the different ways I could tell her, but I just didn't know if she felt the same way. But after the brief moment that we had before she got whisked away by her so-called friends, I knew that I was falling for her, harder than I could've ever imagined. It's like my vision is foggy until she is around then I can see everything crystal clear. It's the same with my mind, when she's not around it's clouded with thoughts of her and her perfect smile.

I was so close just then to tell her but the timing just wasn't right.

I want it to be special.


Haerin's POV:

"Gurl I dunno why you even bother talking to people like her." said Hyein bitterly.

Ugh. She angers me so much. Do you know how much I wanted to pick up a fucking chair and throw it at her fucking face? I don't hate her it's just sometimes, well actually most of the time she has to butt into things where she is not needed and makes unnecessary comments.

"Hae, you should hang out with us more." spoke Danielle, whilst glaring over my shoulder to Minji.

"Yeah, I know she just wanted to talk about umm photography." I replied, trying not to be suspicious.

We proceeded to walk further away from school, I couldn't help but think about the hint of jealousy that lay beneath the surface of Danielle's eyes. I couldn't figure out why she was jealous but I just put it down as 'she wanted to hang out more'.

We then went to the corner shop and bought a couple snacks to have a mini picnic in a field.

The field wasn't really anything exciting, it had long grass with a couple of trees in the distant. It was one of those fields that you would often see people on pinterest having picnics in, it looks even more aesthetically pleasing when the sun is setting. Yet it seemed lifeless.

Danielle and Hyein were bitching about random people in our year except I couldn't bother to pay any interest into what they were saying. There was only one thing on my mind, well person, Minji. I kept thinking about what she was going to say next over and over again. Was she going to say she also wants me?

"Hey Haerin, you talk to that skank Minji right?" asked Danielle.

Immediately I was brought out of my thoughts. How dare she.

"Umm yeah but only because I want good grades."

"Well maybe you should work with me instead." she stated, moving closer to me.

I awkwardly laughed, hoping that they would change the subject. Luckily for me they did.

It was getting late and the sun was starting to set as Hyein said she had to go back home, leaving just me and Danielle.

Danielle edged closer towards me once Hyein had left so that our thighs were touching as we looked at the sunset, yet even though we were touching she scooted even closer towards me as if I was the only thing keeping her warm. We sat in silence but it was more of an awkward one.

"You're really pretty." she blurted out, breaking the silence.

Umm what the fuck.

"Oh umm thanks, so are you."

She blushed. Why is she blushing? This is so weird. Danielle then tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. Umm, I did not sign up for this.

Before I knew it. She kissed me. Aggressively. It wasn't the same as when Minji kissed me. I felt nothing. It wasn't because Danielle is a bad kisser, the kiss is good but it's not right.

I pulled away.

"Oh umm I'm sorry I just felt like I really needed to do that." she stated, flustered.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I lied.

It's not fine. You can't just go around kissing people, especially people that you don't have a genuine connection with and not just some fantasy.

I checked my phone and pretended that my brother had texted me to go home for tea, leaving Danielle in the field.


Minji's POV:

I was at Hanni's house when she told me the news.

"OH MY GOD DID YOU HEAR." she shouted.

No but I can definitely hear you.

"What?" I replied.

"Your lil lover girl has been busy."

"Huh? What do you mean." I asked now intrigued.

"Well apparently her and what she called oh Danielle made out in a field."

She made out with someone? I thought she wanted me. No, she said she wanted me.

It has to be fake. Not everything Hanni says is true, right? I mean it is only gossip. But then again there is always at least the tiniest bit truth to gossip even though it might not be the whole thing.

In that moment, it was like my heart had been ripped out and sown back into my chest except part of it had been chiselled away. The part which belonged to her.



Haerin's POV:

It's now Monday and I haven't seen or heard from Minji since the day I told her I wanted her.

Apparently there is some rumour going around of some people in our year making out in a field but I never payed attention to who it was. That was until Hyein came running over to me.

"You little hoe, I can't believe you out of all people would hook up with Danielle in a field. I mean I always thought that you kind of disliked her."

Did I just hear that right?

"Umm no I didn't." I said in defence.

"Yes you did, don't lie. Danielle told me."


"Umm I've got to go." I said turning away quickly on my heels.

I rushed into the toilets, going into the first available cubicle.

Is this why I haven't heard from Minji? Does she know? She won't believe some kind of a stupid rumour? Right?

Who am I kidding of course she knows.

After I had finally composed myself, I opened the cubicle door only to come face to face with...



Wssp people this is me kpopstan4everbtc. I updated this shit cuz this lazy lil poo wouldn't move her ass. She's basically in a really bad mood so I updated this chapter. You guys gotta wait for tomorrow until she updates then ig 🤭.

I don't want to approach her or she'd kill me dude 😭.

Her and her anger issues 😔.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter<3.

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