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Tuesday arrived, and Amayla Harris was skipping through daises. While brushing her hair, she smiles at herself thinking about Reggie. Reggie was all she thought about. They would talk for hours until they would fall asleep on the phone, which would be every single day of the week.

Amayla had immense anxiety, the good kind though. She had made paper birds out of sticky notes just for Reggie's locker. Today was the Bulldogs Football Game, so she handcrafted blue, yellow, and white sticky notes made out of birds just for him.

She put them all in a shoebox and begged Kevin to help her get Reggie's locker open. "Amayla, I can't believe you made 100 origami birds all in one night," Kevin complies. "Aren't you tired?"

"No, I love making Origami! 100 is nothing." Amayla smiles. Kevin playfully rolls his eyes while he opens Reggie's locker. Amayla starts putting her birds in, excited to see his reaction.

Meanwhile, Reggie was getting ready to leave when Ms. Mantle called him down in the living room.

"You never told me how the date went," she asked while sitting on the couch. "How was it?"

"It was great Mom, we had an amazing time."

"I wanted to give you something." Ms. Mantle walks towards him and gives him a box. Reggie opens it and looks at a pale gold bracelet, with butterfly charms and diamond moon charms swirled all around it.

"Your father gave that to me when we were dating," Mrs. Mantle says while rubbing Reggie's cheek. "Give it to her when the time is right. When you two know that you truly love each other."

Reggie listens to his mother's words as he hugs her. He wanted the good parts of his parent's love life. He never wanted to end up like his father. And he never will.

"Thanks, Mom," Reggie said. "I will."


"Come on Amayla you have to swing your hips!" Diana says as she swings her pom-poms. Amayla tries to swing her hips but struggles. Diana stares at Veronica & Betty while shutting off the music.

"H-Hey! I think I was getting the hang of it.." said Amayla.

"I don't think you were Amayla.. you were kind of stiff," Betty replies. "Just let loose."

"I don't know how," Amayla says while sitting down on the gymnasium floor. "I just never danced before."

"Imagine you're dancing for Reggie and just for him only," Veronica says while walking slowly to her. "You're alone together.~ You want to leave him satisfied.~"

"S-satisfied?" Amayla whispers to herself.

"Yeah~~ Satisfied~~" Diana giggles.

Amayla gulps and closes her eyes while trying to find the flow of relaxation. Diana starts the music again, staring at her sister finding the melody within the music.

"You think she will be ready in time for the game?" Betty asked Diana.

"She will be."


After hours of practicing, Amayla finally knew how to dance. She was ready to become a Vixens cheerleader for one day to surprise Reggie on his big game night. Amayla walks out of the gymnasium and goes to the water fountain. She sees Archie down the hallway and starts walking toward her. Amayla was about to leave when he spoke.

Best Part: Reggie Mantle FFWhere stories live. Discover now