New Beginnings

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The gathered were silent , the once dark and dusty tomb have turned into a memory of an old Mandalore , a great and powerful one. Yet it matters little now , this gathering filled her with so much hope and pride it was hard to comprehend.

The Mandalorians present were a mix of different factions but all were standing together. Each clan held its banner high and proud but above them all stood the blue banner of House Kryze.

As the Armorer began to speak, she felt a shiver. This is the beginning, a powerful rightful beginning of a new Mandalore, United in this Holly place , baptized by fire in a true Mandalorian fashion.

Ragnar Vizla , his father although tough and brash at a time was a true Mandalorian, she felt his death in her heart, yet sadness for his death was overshadowed by respect and appreciation. His final words were a sure and proud "This the Way". Now she new these words were not to be said in vain, they have become engraved in her with what they should stand for , Mandalore above all.

As the Armorer began to recite the ancient oath for Ragnar to finally be added to the Mandalorian creed , the scene has become clear , this the way , this is how Mandalore of old was and how it will be reborn again. United not just in battles against Imperial remnants , but united under tradition , under pride and under her once mighty house.

That thought brought her back to the present , she was a clan of one. House Kryze , the once powerful and royal house of Mandalore has been reduced to one person , her , and her heart ached for the path it led to this.

As to continue her thoughts , came the man, Din Djarin , the man who unintentionally became her right hand that she used to unify all what remained of Mandalore. Carrying his powerful yet adorable son , Grogu , he had saved them. She laughed internally remembering using her suit shield as to shelter them from the inferno of the capital ship crashing into Mof Gedion , they would have been gone if not for this little adorable Jedi.

As Din asks the Armorer to initiate his son into the creed , the Armorer refuses in the beginning, Din looks to her as if asking for a permission, she doesn't know what for but she nods.After everything that man , that warrior has done for her , for Mandalore , she can't possibly refuse him a request especially regarding Grogu.

As the gathering finishes , with Din Grogu as the new member of Clan Madhorn , she feels happy for the little guy but her heart aches for what's to become of him talking the mandalroian apprenticeship. They will have to leave the planet , the planet they just liberated with there blood and blasters.

As she ascend the steps back to the surface she tries to think of a way to overcome this feeling , the feeling of hollowness , of fear for being alone again. But waiting on the mouth of the steps is him again , Din Djarin , along with his now son Grogu

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