A Celebration

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Two months later

The great Forge Hall was filled with beskar cladding Mandalorians. Every clan that had survived the great purge was present. Banners hung proudly as the sun was shining through the halls.

As Bo and Din walked side by side with the Armorer ahead of them , she remembered the path that lead to this moment. The path that was filled with blood and sorrow , betrayals and wars , yet the sheer numbers present in front of hear brought a happiness in her heart.

Spreading the call to Mandalorians across the galaxy wasn't an easy feat , but here they were , standing united , in the beating soul of their home planet.

Several tribes and covets had answered the call , out of respect for the Armorer and hear fealty to the new rulers of Mandalore , and along with those came the clans.

Clan Wren , Eldar , and Rook , their loyalty ever constant , had answered the call and pledged their numbers , resources , and technology for the revival of Mandalore.

As She and Din stood , the Armorer began to speak,

' Fellow Mandalorians,
We welcome you back to your home , we are once again together , those who had shed our blood and desecrated our planet are no longer , they lay beneath these same grounds they had dishounred.

We are gathered here to celebrate once again , for now it is time for Mandalore to be united , to be strong and to be the beacon of honor it was once.

She looked to them and spoke ,
'Lord Din of Clan Madhorn,
Mand'alore Kryze,
Say the words'

They looked to each other through their helmets and spoke,

'We are one when together,
we are one when parted,
we will share all,
we will raise warriors.'

They stepped ahead looking through their people while the Armorer spoke again,

'Let be written in song,
That Din Djarin of Clan Madhorn , and Bo-Katan of Clan Kryze are now one.'

She mentioned for Grogu to come forward and continued,

That Din Djarin , Din Grogu , and Bo-Katan are now under one House , one banner , one Mand'lore.

This the Way '

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