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As he began to regain consciousness, everything was hazy. But strangely he didn't feel much pain.

He started to look around trying to find out where he was when his eyes landed on Bo-Katan with Grogu sitting on her lap , both of them sleeping. While his heart pounded from the scene his confusion only rose to where he was and how was she here.

As he shifted slowly around , came a hand steadying him,

'Keep still Din , your wounds need to heal properly.'

He nodded,
'Where am I Bo , how did you get here ?'

She smiled softly,
'Well , In the Palace of course Din , you don't remember what happened ?'

He replied ,
'I'm in Mandalore ? How did I get here?'

'Your son brought you here on the N-1 , I was truly shocked to hear his voice when you ship entered the the planet's atmosphere. He's become quite the navigator.'

'I remember only fragments of what happened, I got hit , while I was down I heard screaming, and I remember was floating but that's all.'

Her smile widened as she replied,
'Well from what I can tell, you have Grogu to thank for you rescue, he did it all by himself'

He was shocked, he knew Grogu was strong with the force , but to actually rescue him from what was left of the Imps and then fly him to Mandalore. His heart soared with gratefulness and proudness , his son will grow to be the most powerful Mandalorian to roam the galaxy one day.

Come evening , after Bo had left him with Grogu , he tried as much to understand from the child what exactly had happened, yet all what he could get was a lot of excited babbling and and a great sense of relief.


After his release from the infirmary , he went to see the Armorer to update her on Grogu's training.

As he was entering the Forges he found the Armorer and Bo-Katan in a deep conversion, which had stopped abruptly once they saw him.

The Armorer nodded and greeted him,
'Din Djarin , I am pleased that you are safe , your son's song is one of a mighty future by the way it looks'

He nodded his head respectfully,
'Thank you.'

She spoke again,
'While the reason you came here is not pleasant , it is good that you are here nonetheless.
An issue has rose for our new Mand'alore , and I think you might be of help'.

He looked to Bo questioningly only to find her purposely looking into the Forges and away from him.

He was confused to what would make her act this way , but replied,
'I'm yours to command my lady'

Suddenly she looked to him and shook her head,
'Not like this Din , not like this'

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