Concordia - Part 2

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She walked side by side with him, shoulders almost touching, the destruction around them was hard to unsee, knowing that Din had already lived it and barely survived it had brought her back to the conversation she had with the Armorer before leaving Mandalore ,

'Lady Kryze , how may I be of service?'

She hesitated and then pushed,
'I wanted to enquire about what you know of Din Djarin.'

The Armorer stared at her silently for a moment then spoke,
'Din Djarin past is a tale of great sarrow Lady Kryze, I won't ask about what you require the information for but I warn you it won't be pleasant.'

'I understand'

'Din's family were simple people living on Concordia, his father was a mine worker and his mother was a teacher.
After Lady Satine was killed and the Empire had risen , the battles soon followed us here on Concordia.'

She winced at the mention of her sister but nodded.

'As you may know , Death Watch had many cells over the Mandalorian system.
My cell at the time was based Concordia , we had many skirmishes with Mandalorian super commandos and their imperial overlords, but when the final battle had occurred we were just too small a number to make any difference.

She became intrigued and noded again.

'They did not fight with honor , they leashed their weapons intentionally on the populus to draw us out, We did what could for the Civilians but only managing to save small number of childern at the end.
Thats how I came into finding Din Djarin'

She was shocked,
'You rescued Din yourself?'

She shook her head,
'No , but my cell were the ones who saved him and the others , Its how we started our covet'


When she finally had gathered herself she spoke,
'Din ..... Din!'

He shook , as he had been been reliving his memories,

'I'm sorry if you being here had brought up ....'

He interrupted ,
'It's ok Bo, I wouldn't say its good to be here , but I had always thought that if I ever could , I would come here again to honor my parents.'

She nonded,
'I understand, I felt the same way back on the palace.'


As they continued walking she had ordered their people to check on House Vizsla's castle, wanting to be done with this day as soon as a possible. She would leave a small garrison here intially until things settle back on Mandalore , they would maintain Mandalore's presence in the sector and radio back home if they needed assistance.

When they reached the castle , it was surprisingly still standing with some damages to the most outer parts , so she sent the troops in to make camp inside for the night while she went on to the main rooms. Pre Vizsla was the last to set foot in these offices as far as she can tell.

She began to dig aroung the place , looking for any accounts of what had become of the moon's mining operations. They would have to restart these operations soon , but with a regard to the land's nature this time , she wants to leave a better Mandalore for the generations to come and to repeat the past mistakes.

As she sped through different files on the dataprojector , she glanced a document with the seal of House Vizsla , so she took a look. To the best of her knowledge Ragnar was now the only living member with direct relation to the name Vizsla.

She began to read when she heard a gasp behind her,
'What is it Koska?'

She looked at her wide eyed,
'It's about Din Djarin'

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