Concordia - Part 1

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" Here's why you can't exterminate us, Aruetii, we're not huddled in one place - we span the galaxy, we live without technology, so we can fight with our bare hands. We're more than just a people or an army, Aruetii, we're an idea, and you can't kill ideas - but we can certainly kill you "
- Mandalore the Destroyer

As the Mandalorian fleet was readying for their travel , Bo-Katan was finalizing her orders to her people, the Armorer was to govern in her stead till their mission is done on Concordia. Knowing from the scouting teams they had send that the moon was uninhabited didn't make the mission any less important, it was a show of force, the Mandalorians are back and they are claiming all what was lost.

Concordia was once a green planet, rich with forests and life. But the old wars had turned the planet into a mining base, and the sheer numbers of those mining facilities had let these forests almost into extension.

The moon also was a home to House Vizsla, she had mixed feelings about this house, nobody would ever deny its role in Mandalorian history, yet what Pre-Vizsla had led the planet into couldn't be forgotten , and the same was to be said in her role in all of became of it and it filled her shame.
Yet Paz Vizsla's song was forever to be sang to the coming Mandalorian generations, his action and sacrifice on Moff Gedion base on Mandalore had gave them just enough time to regroup and take back their planet. Thus she had decided that she would survey the planet with her people, and formally assign the Vizsla's castle back into their family.

Therefore, Ragnar was currently sitting in her ship along with Din family. Grogu sat happily in the youngest Vizsla's lap, babbling excitingly and looking into space. His dad had been hesitant at the first, wanting to fly with his shiny N-1, yet he quietly agreed when she asked him to accompany her on the Gauntlet.


As they entered the moon's atmosphere, she was shocked to see the surface a living green again, with lush forests. Yet that only confirmed what the scouts had relayed. The planet was abandoned with no chance to finding survivors.

Once the first landing team had secured the area, the ships began to touch down including her own, and with such close look to the surface, her heart sank.

She descended the ship, her forever loyal soldier Koska by her back, and they walked quietly talking in the scene. The level of destruction of whatever was left standing of bulidings was an indication of what happened here on the moon's population final days.

She glanced to right looking at Din, and he was deathly silent, taking it all. She didn't need to guess his reaction under his helmet to know what he felt right now, she had gone through the same shock , pain , and rage when she had first set foot on Mandalore.

She gave her orders to spread out to cover more ground , then quickly went to Din.

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