Concordia - Part 3

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She stared at the holopad in shock.
"Acél Kahl of Clan Vizsla", that was Din's mother name, but how would that be , how could Din not know his family's origins.

As she made her way out of the office , her mind began to spiral , it didn't make sense and yet it did. Mandalrorians had always prided themselves in strength , especially those brought under such unforgiving conditions such in the different covets all over the galaxy. Yet he had always been distinct , the way he carried himself , the way he spoke softly yet clearly , demanding everyone's attention.

She went looking for him , finding him along with Grogu in some hall , looking at some of the Vizsla's family grand statues. What he was doing here she didn't know , yet it felt as it was destined for them to have this conversation here , as was everything with him.

'Din , I have need to tell you something'

He looked at her and answered,
'Of course , what is it ? Has something happened?

She hesitated , she didn't know how to break this news to him,
'Its about your mother.'

He froze , and then looked to her,
'What about her ?'

She spoke softly,
'Din , do you remember anything about your mother's family ?'

He replied,
'Nothing much , we were a small family , we lived here in the city but that all what I can remember.
What is it Bo ? '

She gathered herself and spoke,
'Din , your mother was of Clan Kahl , a minor clan under house Vizsla , its a far relation but still , that makes you now the oldest male of House Vizsla'

When she said these words , she began to reflect in all what happened since she met him , how he came by the DarkSaber , how he bested Moff Gedion in battle and even for a short peroid how was considered the leader of their people according to the ancient creeds and traditions.

Her pondering was cut by his heavy breathing , then he spoke ,
' H .... How ?
I know I was born here , I have some memories of the city , of my life here from before , but nothing more than this.
Who is even Clan Kahl ?!'

Her heart ached from his reaction , but she had to clear it all for him,
'Clan Kahl were a distant branch of the Vizsla family , they were pacifists , I guess maybe that's why your mother hid her identity , Pre Vizsla was the unofficial ruler of Concordia till his death. He always carried a deep hate for the New Mandalorians and their pacifist ways , and that included my sister.'

She finished sadly and looked to him , he was standing speechlessly. She wished at that moment he didn't wear his helmet , she wanted to know his reaction.

Finally he replied,
'I don't want anything to do with the past. I have my own clan now , I have a son.
I won't be causing any issue for Ragnar , this has stay between us Bo.
I'm leaving Mandalore anyhow , let's just keep things as it was. Please ?'

Her heart clenched at the mention of him leaving , yet she nodded , he needed time to think about all of this , and the same could be said for her.

Wordessly he nodded back and left carrying Grogu while she sat by herself looking into nothing.

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