Inside Clan Kryze

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Everybody was nodding to him in respect, yet all he felt was shame. Shame for betraying his monarch, for betraying his Clan leader and for what.
When the dust was settled and everybody was turning to treat the injured, it had became known. Their Commander had faught Moff Gedion and once and for all he was defeated, she faught gallantly but at the end she needed help which came at the hand of the Child of the watch, the zealot as he liked to taunt him.
They faught together almost to the bitter end, if not for the man's child that he now proudly adopted.

The DarkSaber was damaged in the heat of the battle, by the hand of the now doomed Moff Gedion, and Axe was scared, fearful that some Mandalorians would turn on his Commander as he shamefully did so. But he was pleasantly surprised. All of Mandalorians present didn't care, they stood behind their leader while her house banners hung high above all else in the mines of The Living Waters. She was their leader in battle, in resistance, and hopfully now in peace however long that may be , they were Mandalorians after all.

As Bo-Katan asscends the stairs of the mine, he saw her talk to the man, he now knows his name, Din Djarin.
He remembers how the man selflessly once again offered the DarkSaber to Bo-Katan , citing what happened when they visited the planet's surface for the first time, he didn't hesitate to confess that he lost the blade, he had almost pled to them, apostates as his former clan used to call them, pled to them to understand the circumstances that actually made their commander once again a rightfull ruler in their eyes , as if the blade by itself is the only mantle to base a planet future upon.

If he was being honest with himself , Its Din's actions that pushed him to give it his all, how can a man who only knew their lady for a few months, while he, a used to be soldier in her resistance and then in her attempts at reclaim their planet , how can he be more loyal to her and to her cause.

So he did all what he could to ensure that she might someday forgive him for his betrayal , or at least not banish him from their newly liberated planet.

With a heavy heart he went to her after she finished her conversation with the Din family, she tensed when she saw him then spoke in a cold voice,
'So Axe , have you come to question my place on the throne, or in my own clan this time ?'

He froze, then knelt,
'My lady, I know I wronged you and our clan by my actions. I willfully submit myself to your judgment.'

She looked at him from her helmet, he couldn't see her emotion but he hoped she won't be harsh on him.

'Rise Axe'

And So he did.

'If you ever think about betraying me or our clan again, you will

He said while still kneeling,
'I won't Lady Kryze, my blaster is in your service for as long as you allow me my lady'

She nodded and sighed,
'Rise Axe,
If I asked you take the Creed once again, would you do it?/

He stood hopefully,
'Without a question my lady, I would do so right now if you wish.'

'Then do so, and come join us at the feast, your actions in the battle were nothing short of heroic, but don't forget Axe, Mandalorians have a long memory.'

'As you wish Lady Kryze. Thank you.'

She nodded and left.


Koska POV
The children of the watch's covet might look at her Night Owls brothers and sister distrustfully, but they had no right looking at her with same scathing look.
Its true that their role in reclaiming Mandalore was crucial, since they sponsored her Lady while her own Night Owls had turned on her, but not her !
Koska used to be Lady Kryze apprentice, she learned everything to be learnt from her.
Dank Farrik! She was the lady's niece for stars sake!

When her Lady had refuse to shed more blood for the accursed blade, she understood, she supported her. But when the great majority of the Night Owls almost descended into anarchy under the treacherous Axe, her Lady chose to leave, again to avoid any more Mandalorian bloodshed.

She had pled with her, begged her even to stay with her, to attend to her needs, to start again. But what she saw that day was forever engraved in her memories.
Her lady had lost the fight in her eyes.
'My Lady! please, we can try another way.'

Bo-Katan had just shook her head,
'Its over Koska, I will stay here in my home
I have alot of mistakes to think about, alot to atone for'

'Aunt, Please!'

She smiled sadly,
'Koska, you are a true Mandalorian, your parents would have been proud of you.
But heed my advice, Go.
Find some honorable work or maybe even join Axe , Just leave me be please.'

And so she left, She went with Axe , Joined his mercenary ranks.
Not for money , Not for glory.
No, she was on a mission. A self appointed mission yet a mission non the less.

She would relay their location, their numbers, and everything was to be reported to her Lady , in hope for the day to come.

And the day came , and the battles after. It was so quick she could't believe it. She was standing in Mandalore , watching the different clans proudly with their banner held high. But there above all stood her clan's banner, their Lady's House's banner. And the sight was something else.


After Axe's pathetic apology and him leaving she went to see her.
Kneeling she said,
'My Lady Kryze'

She wasn't wearing her helmet now, and the smile she gave was like the moons shining above,
'Rise niece'
And then she hugged her, strong arms enveloped her into safety and said,
'I've missed you Koska, we haven't really talked since everything'

'I've missed you too Aunt, but I wanted to discuss something of importance with you first'

'What is it dear?'

Once again she knelt,
'Lady Mand'alore , Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, Aunt ,
I swear, by mouth and hand, fealty and service to you , to speak and to be silent; to do and to let be; to come and to go; to strike and to spare , to hold this oath, lest death claim me'

She slowly lifted her head to see her lady, and what she saw was what she hoped for,
Happiness, Pride and determination.

'Rise Koska'

She rose.

'You do know that you are next to the throne right?'

'W what ?'

She laughed,

'You are my niece Koska, a far relation but non the less you are essentially a Kryze. But I will allow it.
You are now Lieutenant Koska of Clan Kryze, my heir and my sole protector.
Come join me in the celebrations'.

She was shocked but quickly followed her Mand'alore anyway.

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