A delayed meeting

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He stood there with his unique shiny beskar and once he noticed her coming he stood in attention like a warrior meeting his command.

She thought to herself, that's not how he should greet me, she longed for the short and sure "Bo". But when she reached him he said respectfully with a nod of his head 'Lady Kryze'
'Din, enough people are calling me Lady Kryze, don't call me that'.
'As you wish my lady'

She blushed under her helmet, the way he called her was almost reverent, she was thankful she had just came out of the mines wearing her helmet.

She hit him lightly on his shoulders,
'And Greetings to you Din Grogu, since you have become a Mandalrian, please tell your father that disobeying his Mand'alor is not a greet way to start a conversation'.

The child cooed in happiness, while his father tilted his head in confusion taking her joke seriously.

'I was just kidding Din, but still, just call me by my name please, I want to feel a little normal after all what happened'.

He nodded,
'As you wish, although nothing happening now is normal, you are writing our new history everyday'.

She's once again shocked, he always spoke softly to her but whatever little words he said were always full of meaning and depth.
'And still you are willing to leave me to write it alone'.
He froze. Then began to speak
'Bo, I have to care for the child, raise him in our ways of the creed'.
She smiled sadly under her helmet,
'Of course Din, I am happy for Grogu. If the Armourer wasn't willing to accept him, I would have added his song myself damn the consequences'.

She could feel his shock by the way his breathing halted in the helmet's vocoder, he shook himself and put his hand on his shoulder in a perfect Mandalorian salute.
'Thank you'

'It's the least I can do for our new Mandalorian savior, isn't that right Grogu ?'

Once again the child babbled happily, lifting his hand to be held, which she took willingly positioning him at her hips.

'I think he will be spoiled , with all the pog soup and carrying your giving him'.

'Is that why you will leave soon then Din ?'

She could feel his hesitance even with his helmet, she often wondered how she could guess his emotion with his helmet on, which often led to her imagining his face without his helmet.

She had only saw the back of his head during their first confrontation with the now burnt Moff Gedion, she knows that he have dark hair, and fairly tan skin, but other than that she would only imagine in the few minutes she could get free of her days.


She blinked back to the conversation,
' Yes Din, this the second time I asked you and yet you didn't answer'.

'I don't know what to do Bo, you heard the Armourer, Grogu needs to learn the creed by being in his own way, and I have to be there for him as his father'.

'What about me ?'

Again he froze, but as if jumping afraid if she would leave, he touched her shoulder.

'I swore an oath to you, I am always there for you, you just have to command me to'.

'You know I can't do that, but can you at least stay for the rekindling of the forge?'

'As you command my lady'.

She just smiled, and together they walked to the camp holding all newly arrived Mandalorian settlers.

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