A Failed Misson

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Whatever he was going tell himself , it made no difference , he knew that he left her. He left her when just four month ago he had swore himself to her.

By the stars it felt like ages , he had fought with her to liberate Mandalore and had personally seen her get the mantle of leadership for it's people , yet when they had flew into Concordia , everything between them had ceased to exist.

She wasn't to blame for that he knows , it have been three months since he last seen her , since he he heard her call his name , and since he had truly felt like he belonged.

Grogu had been affected as well , when they hurriedly left Mandalore he had been confused to why they were leaving , but by the time they reached their destination his son had realised that they were her to stay.

His son while happy for the new adventures on their bounty hunting travels , was still sad about their abrupt leave from Mandalore. He knew Grogu had formed an attachment to the woman that plagued his thoughts , yet for Din , it was the only way.

It still truly shocks him everytime to think about what had transpired in the Vizsla castle over in Concordia.
He had royal blood , a distant yet still a blood relation to house Vizsla , to Tarre Vizsla , the Mand'alor who created the DarkSaber and helped reunit their people once again.

It was still confusing to think about it , was he know a Vizsla ? Or was it his Clan now that would be under House Vizsla. He knew he acted cowardly by leaving her in the middle of all of this , but in his mind it as the only way to spare her and himself the consequences of that discovery.


As usuall , nothing really goes according to plan , but at least he started with good one.

It was simple enough , corner the Imperal officer in a side street after his routinely night at the luxurious bar while he would have the least amount of guards for his night activities.

But as the plan went into motion , something didn't feel right , everything was almost too quite , yet it was too late to abort now.

After finishing some imps in the dark alley in Dantooine , it had became clear to him that it was an ambush. Instead of the scouted lightly armored squad of imps , a platoon of imperial special forces had cornered him.

After taking almost half of them using his whistling birds and some more with his blaster , seemingly out of nowhere , came a shot that hit him between his beskar plates , he tried to continue fighting , yet all what he was thinking about before fading into nothingness was Grogu.

He had given him the role of lock out in this mission , and he hoped for the stars that the child would get out of this damned planet.

And then everything went dark.

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