The Great Forges

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She have been here before, in different stages of her eventful life , and the great Forge was always there.
She had always seen, heard, and felt what is it like to be here on the heart of the Mandalorian civilization.

Yet now as she stood waiting for the Armourer to pass her the torch, she couldn't help but compare and if she was honest with herself, after all these obstacles and fights, all these losses and bloodshed, it was worth it. To be here again, to igint the torch of Mandalore's core again was a feeling she will never compare to anything in her life.

The Mandalorian banner stood proudly behind her back, she asked for only it to be represented by the forge. All the clans can hold there banners, feel their life being rebirthed again on these halls, but for her, the Mythosaur sigent on simple yet powerfully symbolic banner was enough.

The atmosphere in the room was buzzed with anticipation, as the Armourer passed her the torch she felt humbled. The symbolism was not lost on her, she and she alone was the one to usher the new beginning of their home planet's rise, and while that filled her with pride, it also encouraged the fear in her heart, the fear of repeating past mistakes.

She couldn't help it, as she was being handled the torch, she fliked her eyes to the first raw of Mandalorians.

At the center stood the smallest of the clans, clan Madhorn, with there banner hung by him, Din Djarin.
It was only for a second, in which she saw him with a fist to his chest saluting her before anybody else in the raws of different Mandalorians.

She lit the Forges, and the yellow turned blue glow was met with a deafening silence, that once Axe Woves, heralded the phrase everybody was longing to chant in these holly halls, that everyone was repeating "For Mandalore".


After the igniting the Forges, Bo was reminded with her time being accepted into the Din's covet. Every Mandalorian present wanted to thank her or congratulate her on the liberation of there home planet. She was happy, proud, yet she still looked for him after.

As she made her way to the makeshift hangers hoping to find Clan Madhorn after they disappeared with all the rukus and celebrations since the Forges. She looked for the shiny beskar which was too easy to find.

She made her way to the N-1, seeing him hauling supplies into the small cargo compartment in his ship.


He turned to her with a nod
'Lady Mand'alor'

Again with this,
'Din, I told to stop with the titles.
Are you preparing to leave already ?'

Yes Bo, as soon as Grogu get some rest, we plan to leave for Navaroo. Greef Karga is offering me a tract of land to settle in with the kid'.

She was shocked, that was it, as everyone else she held dear in hear life they were leaving, leaving her with a hollow soul and hollowed out planet to rebuild.

'If I commanded to stay, would do it Din ?'

He shifted,
'I'm bound to you as my Mand'alore, your wishes are my command Bo'.

The way he replied, she knew she would be forcing him, that man, that warrior was not made for sitting around just for her sake.
He is honorable enough to do so, but he would be caged, his flame would be stifled.

'I know that,
You are an honorable man Din.
Can you at least accompany us to Concordia, we plan to clear the moon of any hostiles in these coming rotations.'

He leapt up in shock,
'Concordia , truly ?'

' Yes , we need to establish our supremacy in our most proximite sectors starting with Concordia'.

He nodded but stayed silent and she cursed herself for it, she remembered his tales about how he came to the creed.

'I know you you must have terrible memories from your time there, I'm sorry. Forget I asked'

'No , I would be honoured to accompany you , Grogu as well'.

She smiled under her helmet,
'Are you sure Din ? you can always say no, its a pretty standard mission'.

'I will go if you allow me my lady'

She snorted , unlady like and all.
'Well, prepare your Clan Din Dijarin , you will be accompanying me on my Gauntlet'.

He stood shocked while she tuned and left

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