A Union

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As Bo replied , he was baffled to her response and said ,

'What's wrong ? Has something happened on Mandalore while we were away ?'

The Armorer replied in her usual tone,
'Din Djarin ,
Our people have been scattered all over the galaxy , we have sent out word of our victory and liberation of our planet.
Surprisingly , we received a great deal of responses and promises of aid to rehabilitate our home.'

He was still confused but replied ,
'That is great news ,
Our people will have a future in their planet once again.'

The Armorer replied ,
Which is why we need affirm our unity and establish a trustful and stable lead of our planet.'

Suddenly Bo spoke ,
'Din ,
We knew that unifying the Clans after all these wars and suffering was not going to be easy.
It's ture that House Kryze is ruling , but we have a fragile peace at best.
Our society is still deeply divided between traditionalists and and the old houses and clans.
More secret covets are showing up and and some of the noble Clans have pledged their honor and support for the new rule.'

He nodded ,
'It was expected ,
I am confidant you can achieve peace between all of our people , I have pledged my support for you Lady Kryze ,
I will help in whatever is needed of me.'

The Armorer spoke again,
' That's good to hear ,
Din Djarin , since the discovery on your mission in Concordia , I have been discussing with Lady Kryze your role in coming future of our planet.

You are a Foundling , yet you are one of noble blood.
Your actions in liberating our home world have given you a place of high regards amongst all Mandalorians.
You will be a bridge between our two peoples along with Lady Kryze.'

While his heart beat rapidly to the indication of her suggestion , The Armorer interrupted his thoughts ,

'A marriage between Mandalorians signs a treaty among the clans. It brings us further together as people.
Clan Madhorn and Clan Kryze joining would usher a new unified future for our people.
Your son is a Mandalorian apprentice who is powerful with the force , your union will stablize Mandalore's future for generations to come.'

He was shocked of the whole idea , while he had a false hope for a future with Bo-Katan , this kind of union would not just be for them , it will bind all of Mandalorians together and solve some of the most urgent obstacles for his people. It was a great concept to consider.

Finally Bo spoke again,
'Armorer , can we perhaps discuss this amongst ourselves ?'

The Armorer replied ,
'Of course Lady Kryze ,
There are some preparations to be made after all.'

Then she turned and left them alone in the Forges with a huge bantha in the halls.

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