The mistake

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???:.....rrrggghhh. *inhale* *exhale*

???: He's....DOCTOR!

His vision came back and there was a bright light above him

???: agh mmm! Hmhmgmh!

He couldn't speak but whatever came out of his mouth was meant with the most impurist intent. The doctors and nurses were holding him down and injected him with a liquid that made him relax a bit and feel sleepy.

Doctor: Mister Juan do you know where you are?

Juan: mmm!

Doctor: please respond with a nod or shake of your head.


Doctor: Do you know where you are?


Doctor: I am pleased to inform you that your doctor's report is showing positive results. Your overall health has improved significantly since you came here. Your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are within the normal range, and your heart rate has stabilized. We regret to inform you that our contract did not permit us to save your jaw. Despite our best efforts, the necessary procedures were not covered under the terms of our agreement. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and hope that you will seek the necessary medical attention elsewhere. Thank you for your understanding.

Juan: MHHHMM!!!

Doctor: I regret to inform you that implants are not allowed under the terms of your contract. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all parties involved. The potential risks and complications associated with implants are well-documented and cannot be overlooked. We understand that this may be disappointing news, but we must adhere to the terms of the contract. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Juan: HMHMH!

Doctor: It is with great formality and utmost politeness that I must inform you that you are permitted to depart for your abode today. However, it is imperative that you affix your signature to a number of forms prior to your departure. I must express my disapproval of this matter, as it is regrettable that such bureaucratic measures must be taken. Nonetheless, these forms are necessary and must be completed before your departure.

Juan made a gesture with his fingers that symbolized money.

Doctor: I would like to inform you that there is no need to worry about the money, Juan. I am pleased to inform you that somebody has already paid for it. I understand that this may have been a source of concern for you, but rest assured that it has been taken care of.

Juan just sat up and gave him a sad nod.

*after completing some forms*

Juan was walking out the building and knew what he had to do. He had to visit his ripper doc. He couldn't communicate like this, strange, he thought he would feel tired but he actually feels rested. When he finally reached the ripper doc tho he was out of breath and he realized just how weak he actually is now. He walked to the counter and rang the bell.


Juan could hear some tools running in the back.

Juan could hear some tools running in the back

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