In a Heartbeat

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Juan and Mona had made it to the cafe but both of them really didnt feel like eating. Mona was in the mood to pribe all the information she could out of Juan.

Mona: Tell me!


Mona: I just fucking risked my life for you, I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO KNOW WHY!

Juan:....its nothing best friends got slaughtered and butchered...fried like french fries...almost every gonk has the same story.

Mona: yeah but you actually cared about them didnt you.


Mona: Juan talk to me

For some reason he decided to open up...he was not dumb but something pushed him to open up to this women.

Juan:....with my whole soul....thing is those people you just met are called the edgerunners, they killed my brothers...and I will have my revenge.

Juan had gripped the table with all his might and his eyes glowed with a sinister look.

Mona:...revenge is an ugly thing

Mona looks away and out the window

Mona: it turns the most pure hearted away from God.

Juans eyes shot open and his head soon shot up aswell.

Juan: Wha...

Mona: oh! Haha yeaaahh you think your the only christian left in this city? Nope, hate to break it to ya but there is a whole group of christians...a very small group but there is still some.

Juan was shook by this. He had thought he was the only one certainly felt that way.

Mona:...your not doomed Juan...desperate times called for desperate measures, they looked at people like us and couldnt stop talking about how weak and scared we were...they even slaughtered our kind for we showed them, we protected the weak and the innocent from the corrupted and blind. Aslong as you killed out of defense or trying to protect someone it is ok.

Juan: Nope...sorry to dissapoint you but I took that poor mans head and bashed it over and over and over against the floor...i killed him but he didnt hurt anyone...he didnt mean to.

Mona: hmmm...come with me...we can help you. Your gonna have to do some work of yourself but we can help to give you the environment you need. We can give you a new family and some protection until you feel ready to fight your battles.

Juan:....sorry mona

Juan gets up from his seat and grabs her shoulder.

Juan:...i need to do this my way.

Mona closed her eye's tightly before finally gathering enough courage to stand up and grab Juan by the wrist.


Mona: Im not letting you destroy your life like this.

Juan: why do you even care?

Mona: becuase we went through the same pain and we are borther and sister in Christ. I know what its like...dont, I promise you its not going to help you.

Juan: Mona let go!

Mona: No!

Juan ripped his wrist from her arm before jumping away and pointing a pistol at her. This made her freeze up.

Mona: Juan listen to me...please. I lost my friends to people like that and I went through with my plans...In the prosses I had to kill alot more people than the person I came to kill...I had to make up for my mistakes and it took me years before I finally felt that I was good enough for God after that, You can be saved...just take my hand

Juan's thoughts: thats why shes so good...thats why she didnt hesitate...shes already done this before

Mona: I know your hurting but if you give us time and a chance we can help you with that pain


Mona: please

Suddenly all the blinds closed and the lights went off, the only thing that could be seen is the metal sliding doors of the cafe opening and closing before a red light appeared on the lock of the door, Mona tried opening the door in pitch black when she felt the handle of the door.


Thats when she heard a familiar engine roar and drive away from the cafe. Mona could only bash her hand against the door to no avail.

Mona: fffffuck!

It took a while before all the blinds in the cafe and the lights came back on and everyone could see what was going on. Thats when Mona realized the gun on the ground that Juan held in his hands, she picked it up only to cock it back and realized theres no bullets in the was empty

Mona: He wasnt gonna hurt me...just scaring me...GOddamnit Juan.

Juan POV

Juan was driving back towards his house and as always was speeding through the highway.

Juan: Fuck! sorry Mona...i really do hope you have a good life but ive gotta fix this my own way.

When he reached his apartment and walked through the streets a cat jumped out of the garbage can.

Juan: Skat!

The cat went off running. Juan got onto his porch and turned the keyhole to unlock his door and pushed it open, that's when he was met with a gun to the face from inside his own home.

Juan: Wha-*bonk*

A metal and heavy object hit Juan against the head from behind and knocked him out clean.

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