sacrificial lamb

43 1 0

We see the two inside the car driving towards a gun shop.

Juan: Were gonna need some guns if we wanna get out of this job alive, I dont know about you but Im pretty naked right now and by that I mean I dont have any guns.

Mona: Thats fine I brought my own gun.

Mona reaches into her waist and pulls out a pistol that it?

Mona: well...yeah, I dont have alot of eddies so im just gonna have to make do with what I have.

Juan: Thats no good were gonna need to get you something better than that.

Mona: uhm...i told you I dont really have-

Juan: Its on me so dont worry, got alot of eddies I dont need.

Juan looks out the window remembering how he made that money.

Mona: N-no thats generous but I-I couldn't.

Juan: Mona my days are numbered ok just take the eddies. I aint gonna need it after this.

Mona: What do you mean?

Juan remained quite.

Mona: You dont wanna share?

Juan:....all you need to know is I dont plan on ever using the rest of those eddies.

Mona was curious by what he meant by this but had a faint idea that he wanted to do something stupid.

Mona: O-ok....just know that theres people out there that care about you...

Juan still kept quite.

*A while ltr*

standing next to each other in an elevator Mona is cleaning her gun and making sure everything is to her liking.

Juan: So....

Mona looks up

Mona: Hm?

Juan: you still havent told me your plan.

Mona: Youll see dont worry.


Juan looked down at the elevator floor when all of a sudden a *ding* came from the elevator.

Juan: Finally, that took forever.

When they both step onto the rooftop of the building they were both hit by a harsh gust of wind and sounds of cars passing over them. Juan held his hand to his face to ensure the dust doesnt get into his eyes but Mona didnt seem to mind.

Juan:(oh yeah right...badlands, she's used to the dust)

Mona kept walking to the edge of the building and when she came close to the edge she layed down her sniper on the ground.

When she stood back up straight she looked Juan in the eyes.

Mona: okaaaayyy so here's the plan ill cover you with my sniper while your inside.

Juan: so your gonna provide sniper support while im up close and personal...i like it.

There was a hint of excitement in his voice.

Mona: Alright!....cant lie im a biiiit nervous hehe

Mona rubs the back of her head.

Juan: *Talks while walking away* Well your gonna have to get those nerves under control...

Juan gets in the elevator

Juan: Becuase if you dont...

Juan turns around and looks at her

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