Get out.

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Juan sits back down at the bar table and waited for Claire to finish up with a customer. He heard yelling and laughing in the was them.

Juan: tsk, Laugh while you still can, Ill make sure you lose everything this night.

Claire walks up and gives him a smack against the head.

Claire: Hey! Try not to make it too obvious your here to kill somebody.

Juan: Yeah your right..sorry

Claire: Dont be, what happened to the girl?

Juan: Blew her jaw off *wink*

Claire: Hehe ok I dont wanna know the details.

Juan: No you do not *smile*


it was the group.

Claire: YEAH!?

???: We need some more beer's over here girl.


Juan just smiled and decided to take a quick glance at the group.

Juan: Oh! hehehe you see me?

Kiwi was staring Juan down and didn't let up.

Juan: Guess I wasn't so sneaky after all.

Juan looked back at her but not before giving his eyes a sinister glow to them.

Juan: Thats riiiight, Im going to be your end tonight.

Kiwi couldn't hear him but she certainly didn't seem to care. Claire walks up to the group and gives them exactly what they ordered before and the group thanked her but they didn't let her walk away.

Juan: Come on Claire what are you doing?

Claire turned around and signals Juan to come over.

Juan: !!!

Juan was stunned, He hesitated but Claire started frantically calling him over. He eventually got up from his seat and walked to the group. When he got close he saw just how massive the leader of the group was.

Juan: What?

Claire: Juan didn't you used to race back in the day with me?

Juan: Yeah?

Claire: Aaand did you beat me and everyone in the race by mile's?

Juan: Yeah? Why?

Claire: You see these people are looking for a getaway driver for their gig.

Rebecca: Hey Claire relax, your gonna scare the kid.

Claire started laughing

Claire:Hahahaha Scared? This guy? Good luck buddy

Claire gives a playful nudge

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