Death stalks

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Our story starts at the afterlife. Gangsters talking about their next big hit, whores looking to get fucked by some unlucky legend so they can overthrow them and take half of their belongings and actual legends sitting at tables, having actual important and big discussion's and where is Juan you might ask? Busy talking to one of the best of the best in all of night city.

Rogue: You said what?

Juan: I need info on the whereabouts of a certain group

Rogue: And why exactly would you wanna know that?

Juan: Need to spy on some crew...see what they are up to, what they are like.

Rogue: Hmmmm and once more im going to ask. Why?

Juan: This crew killed my friends...need to know how badly they need to be punished for it.

Rogue: hmmmmm.....

Juan stares her down but there is one thing Rogue realized when looking into Juan's eye's that somehow made her believe what he was saying...but she couldnt just go merely by his word.

Rogue: What crew are we talking about here?

Juan: Members include Maine, Rebecca, Kiwi-

Rogue: The edgerunners....tell you what, you do a gig for me and ill try to find out where their hideout is.

Juan: hmmmm and if you cant find their hideout.

Rogue: It may take some time but we will find their hideout.

Juan: Whats this gig?

Rogue: need you to help someone on their gig...make sure she gets the job done. Shes a bit soft and honestly I dont think she has what it takes.

Juan: Thats where I come give her a push?

Rogue: Right on the money

Juan: still havent told me whats the gig about.

Rogue: someone kidnapped an associate of mine and tried to ransom for his freedom...too bad we got our associate back right from underneath their noses but now we need you two to end it for good...lose ends you see isnt good for business.

Juan: hmmm.....consider it done

Juan stands up and shakes her hand.

Rogue: Ill send you the dets later.

Juan: Pleasure doing business.

Juan walks away and out of the afterlife. He stops after he climbs the stairs and leans against the wall and looks up at the sky. It was dripping a bit so the nice cool drops of rain felt nice on his skin. He stood there for a while and relaxed, for a moment night city seemed pretty peaceful.

Juan: Guess I should go home...theres nothing else to do...

Juan pushes himself off the wall and gets in his car and drives away towards his house.


4 days later

In sunset motel Juan was busy eating a spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce ontop.

Juan: Where is this girl? *takes a bite out of food*

The motel wasn't busy at all and was practically empty except for the occasional drunkard. He was busy watching the news


15 minutes go by and still nothing. Juan had finished his food and was growing inpatient and decided to leave. So he stood up from his seat

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