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Juan: uuuuuuuugghhhhh *deep inhale* mmmmoootheeerrr ugh

Juan rolled over

Juan: Ughh ahhhh *claws forward* hahhhh that hurt ffffuck *claws forward* need...a doc...

Juan was left on the side walk in the middle of the desert

Juan: Pppp-proto

Proto: Greetings Mr-

Juan: Proto I....I need to get to the hospital.

Proto: Do you wish me to call your friend Mona

Juan:....ffffuu-uck no...cant take that riskkk just call my vehicle

Proto: Your vehicle will be here shortly

Juan just ultimately decided to call his vehicle to his location. It recieved the signal and detecting that Juan was in critical state enabled "Emergency rescue". All that Juan saw was Emergency Recue that popped up infront of his eyes.

Juan's thought's: huh? Emergency rescue?

Juan kept clawing his body forward unable to even stand or sit up straight. He clawed himself until he reached shade under a billboard and decided to rest there until rescue came.

23 min ltr

The car came to a dead stop, honked its horn and opened its door. Juan could only crawl into his car and that when it hit him. *deep breaths* agh! Am I supposed to drive?

Suddenly the car popped open a slot for Juan to insert his link into.

\\\Link required///

Juan: huh?...ahh....fuck it..whats...the worst...that can happen.

Juan took his link and linked up with the car only for a syringe to pop out of the door handle.

Juan's thought's: What the fuck!?

Car: Do not fear Viper, the contents in that vail contains morphine. I will provide an emergency adrenaline if your current state worsens. There is no time to waste you need medical help as soon as possible. Quickly!

Juan took the syringe and injected himself with it and instantly felt relieved of all his pain.

Juan: *deep inhale* ttsssssyyyyyaaaa ok....why the fuck is my car talking to me.

Car: Let me explain on the way, in the meantime we must hurry to the hospital, marking it on your GPS.

Juan stepped on the gas and took off towards the hospital.

Car: I am an AI made by Alex to guide you in troubling times. Im here to assist and my whole purpose is to aid and protect you. If you die I have failed.

Juan: Alex?....that motherfucker..still helping me from the grave heh.

Car: Mr. Alex left a message for you if you wish to hear it.

Juan: Wha?...yes! Yes! Play it!

*While weeving through cars*

\\\Alex:...Hey buddy...if your listening to this well pretty sure im dead...or I got so tired of keeping the secret so I just spilt my guts Hahahaha!......honestly wish I knew what to say...uhm I love ya I guess hah I know I havent said that alot being your friend and everything but I love you bro///

\\\Joris: Hahaha we both do!///

\\\Alex: Yeah yeeahhh ///

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