Monsters everywhere

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Juan slowly started to open his eyes back up again. He was no longer as sensitive to the lights as he was and slowly started to sit up straight in his bed. When he sat up he looked out the window and took in the scenery.


For once in his life he could say he felt peace and safe and wished this feeling could never go away. There wasnt even a singular noise except for the noises he was making.


???: Your awake.

Juan looked away from the window only to see a nurse standing in the room holding a tray of food, she slowly walked up to him and placed the tray on the hospitals table. For a moment Juan felt angry that his peace was disturbed but let it go.

Nurse: Youve been asleep for a long time...your looking much better than when you came in. Youve also survived some pretty brutal injuries, most peoples skulls would have given in but you seem to be doing just fine.


He didnt say anything, seeking the sense of peace he just had.

Nurse: I guess thats why he picked you huh.

This comment made him very confused.

Nurse: Good the boss would be happy to know that you made it to the hospital.

Juan: Wha- what do you mean?

Nurse: We planned on you going to this hospital, it was one final test to see wether you are up for the task.

Juan: You left me on that fucking side walk in the middle of the desert on purpose! Knowing full well if I didnt get the medical attention that I would die!

The nirse walked towards the window and looked out of it

Nurse: Bingo but like just survive, i dont know how you do it but somehow you just do. So now that introductions are out of the way I really dont wanna keep wearing this shitty ass nurse outfit.

Juan: What did you do to the original owner?

The nurse just looked back with a sinister smile

Juan: You monster!

Nurse: ohhhh dont you monster me, i know what you did to that poor man. Poor Kerry, just couldnt get over the death of his friend and then ended his suffering.

Juan: I-....

Nurse: Just stop pretending and except you have a yearning to kill some people...its not just about getting revenge for your friends is it...ohhhh no you killed waaaayyy before that.

Juan: How do you know so much about me?!

Nurse: Everything is online choom, your calls to your friends. Thats how we know you killed way before this.

Juan's thoughts started to overflow with images of how he killed people...he realized that some were indeed out of self defence but...not all.


The nurse walks up to him and threw a peace of paper on his chest.

Nurse: Get it done.

The nurse walks away and closes the door behind her. When he opened the note it read



Description: She is part of Arasaka and is one position higher than me, she is all that stands in my way from putting my plans in full swing and is constantly keeping a close eye on me so I cannot slip anything under her nose without her getting suspicious. I need her eliminated and dealt with as fast as possible and before you say it yes, she will be highly gaurded. You will find her using the contact information that ive granted to you. I am unable to provide anything else, get creative.

Contact: 062 556 5324

Double cross me and there will be consequences, I have placed a tracker and a minibomb into your slot, if you attempt to remove any of them the bomb will go off and if I feel like your wasting time then I will blow it. I will give you a week and two days to recover. Goodluck

Juan:....fucking awesome...i really need her help.

3 days later


Juan: I need your help killing an Arasaka Corp.

Mona: Juan you do know that I dont kill right!

Mona and Juan were on a call, Juan was sitting on his bed.

Juan: not asking you to kill innocent asking you to keep me covered and distract them while I kill him.

Mona: And do you think im going to help ruin your life and put you in an even more deeper hole that you already are!?....Juan let go! This revenge will take everything from you!

Juan:.....*ends call* Then that is exactly the price im willing to pay.

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